#2 Breakfast

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The smell of the morning's breakfast wafted down the hall ways and the distant chatters of hungry students could be heard from classrooms away.

I watched Trixy as she leant up and over the breakfast table to eagerly catch the newspaper and letters her family owl had swooped down to drop. I chuckled as she wobbled precariously bouncing the packet like a hot potato before snatching it mid-air. I flinched away from Trixy's flying hands and Matt's palms flew up to shield his face, a piece of half eaten toast still wedged between his fingers.

Trixy flopped back down with a triumphant sigh, flicking her curly hair over her shoulder as she began to pull at the twine holding together a rather large, brick-like stack of letters from her family. I kept my eye out nervously for Tangerine, I'd sent her out last night for the first time by herself. It was only to our house and she's done this trip countless of times with our family owl, who she's grown quite fond of and is usually seen seeking shelter with him.

"Jeez dude. Is that bird still stuck on your mind. I mean chill out you sent her out last night, don't be surprised if she takes longer than usual. With all her issues and all." Mattias said, taking another, rather large bite from his toast.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I shifted my focus from the flock of owls entering over to Matt, who seemed to gulp down his dry breakfast almost whole and place the rest of it down, dusting the crumbs from his hands and leaning forward. "I just mean," he rolled his eyes, "that bird has never been out alone before, expect trial and error dude."

I narrowed my eyes at him, " 'that bird' has a name."

Mattias groaned, throwing his hands up jokingly and returning to his breakfast. I turned my head to the slowing drip of owls entering the Great Hall. Finally, I noticed her sitting in one of the entrances, head moving across the hall insearch for me, I assumed.

"There she is." I stuck two fingers in my mouth and whistled up to her, to which her head immediately spun to my direction. Her's wasn't the only one. Then, with help from an incoming owl flying into her, she tumbled down to the Slytherin table, a letter and a rolled up newspaper in beak. She landed carelessly on my shoulder, Trixy yelped at the sudden gust of wind that eminated as she flew down. I chuckled, helping to steady her with a gentle hand.

"Thanks Tang." I said, taking the stuff from her beak and fishing a treat out of my pocket, handing it to her. She squawked happily before wobbily taking off again, back to the owlery where she'd remain until after classes.

I sighed, pushing my empty plate away and placing the rolled up newspaper and letter down. Untying the twine, I went for the letter, ripping off the seal and taking the note from it's envelope. Trixy, having gone through her stack of letters and pushing them aside, leant across the table once again to snatch the newspaper from my side of the table. I flicked a glare at her but otherwise ignored her. She unrolled the paper and began reading the titles. She'd occasionally chuckle at a story, to which Matt would lean across and she'd point, then they both would laugh and carry on reading.

When I finished reading the letter from my parents, I sighed, placing it aside and making sure to take a mental note to write back sometime tomorrow. Then, right off the bat, I noticed Trixy's unusually hasty change of expression. The corners of her mouth had fallen and her eyebrows furrowed, she gulped before looking up from the column she'd just read.

"What?" I chuckled lightly, "What's up with you?"

Trixy gulped again, before glancing down, hiding her face and starting to read again, but this time out loud;
"Dark Mark Means Death?: Within the last week, no less than thirteen Muggle-Born witches and wizards had been found dead or severely injured in their homes. Never seen before, a mark, currently being referred to as the Dark Mark by locals, representing a snake protruding from the skull of a human being has been spotted above the victims' houses. Nothing at this time has been advised from The Ministry, however local wizarding authority suggests you move away from previously targeted areas and stay indoors where possible.' Guys it's getting worse. They're even thinking about implementing a curfew."

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