QUICK UPDATE (February 22, 2021)

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(Will delete this notice soon)

Hello! If you have seen my update for Comfy Graphics, this is essentially the same message!

But basically I have seen so much support for this book and I am still amazed that people actually continue to comment or engage with it despite me not updating for so long.

I have been seeing comments and votes and I will assure you that I will get to updating all the outdated tips, sources, and recommendations.

I am currently in a semi-hiatus where I will be uploading on Wattpad but the only books I will be updating are my rant book and my discussion books as those are easier to make while I'm in University.

Once summer break hits, that's when I'll freely update and be fully back from my hiatus.

So until then, I hope you all can be patient for what I have in store for this book. I had a lot of months to think so I have a lot of new exciting ideas to incorporate.

Hope to see you soon around June! I know it's a long time but please understand that at the moment, Wattpad is just my second priority while I am in school.

Thank you for understanding!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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