⚜ 1.2 Sources

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❝ Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form

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Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form. Its rewards are inestimable ❞ - Loretta Young

▪︎《 🥀 》▪︎

I feel like Wattpad designers (including myself) have forgotten the importance of giving credit. We should practice citing our sources so that karma doesn't hit us in the face with someone else claiming their graphics as their own.

No one wants to have their ideas stolen without being recognized for it.

I would hate the feeling of someone using my ideas and getting more praise and benefits from it than me, the actual creator.

So, this one is less graphic oriented and more ethics oriented. As much as you want to make pretty graphics, you have to also respect other's works too.

▪︎《 🥀 》▪︎

Picture Credits

When crediting photographs or photos taken by a camera or cellphone, you must always credit the photgrapher. If no photographer is listed below, then at least provide a link to the original picture in the comments.



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