⚜ 1.5 Categorizing

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❝ For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned ❞ -Benjamin Franklin

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For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned ❞ -Benjamin Franklin

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This time I will be informing you about the types of pictures there are and the image file formats. Plus a list of all file types. I will also be giving you some organization tips that worked for me and might work for you.

But please remember, my tips won't work for everyone, I am just showing you how I do them.

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(Credit: shutterstock.com support)

There's more to choosing images than finding a pretty picture. It takes a combination of creative and technical ability to understand not only what to choose, but which type of image is appropriate for your needs.

There are two types of Images: Raster and Vector


are photography and scanned documents. These images are much more difficult to manipulate than vector images.

Color modes available for raster images vary, but the most common are CMYK, RGB and Index color.

Photoshop is the most popular program for manipulating raster images.


are images found in commercial printing applications and work well for illustrations, logos, graphics with a lot of text, charts and graphs.

Unlike raster, they do not depend on resolution for quality. They retain their quality at any size.

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Windows Bitmap (BMP): Raster

Developed by Microsoft for their operating system. They are high quality and uncompressed, making for larger files and they are not web friendly. They don't work on the web and quality is compromised when you make them larger or smaller.


Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPG): Raster

Most common format, many cameras shoot in JPG. However compession is a problem as everytime you manipulate and save the image you will lose quality.

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