𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 3

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"Are they alright?"

"They'll be fine"

"Thank you, why would they ever do this?"

"I don't know but from what we know they'll be asleep for awhile"


You heard it all, though you couldn't seem to wake up. Screams in your head flooded and seeped through. The damage.

You tried to move your fingers, just for a second you thought you had hope. But nothing, like breaking light.

let me be
let me be free
let me be happy
let me...find love

Your thoughts disappeared

When your thoughts came back you tried to open your eyes. Nothing again. Let me out!

~Le Time Skip~

You've been gone for 8 days now

Here You've laid for hours

Let me out

You tried...Engulfed by light, how pretty

You were then met with that pretty red coulor again.

"Oh..Is that Miss.Pretty?!"


"Shh don't talk just relax."

You nodded your head slowly

"You've been in a coma for 8 days, I've been helping you. I'm an assistant here. Being part of a band isn't enough. Though, most patients are scared of me.....

He went on talking about him

You smiled

"How pretty"-

"How pretty"-

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Yes I know comas are borderline basic in fanfics but I have actually been in one and talking about what I felt gave me much relief so that's why I added it.

Love You

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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