i love you dream (2)

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Dream POV
when i got home from work it was around 4:30. i've been getting off earlier this week because my Twitch paycheck is starting to take care of things, and i really don't need this job. Emma says it's a good job to keep around in case we need it and i trust her when she says that.

i made myself a quick grilled cheese and went to my office. Emma isn't home yet so i texted her telling her i'd be in my office for the rest of the night. Emma understands my streaming job, she understands that i make money at the same time of having fun with my friends. i love how open minded she is.

i booted up my pc after reviving a text from nick saying to get on discord. i watched the screen light up, i put in my password, and went to discord. i saw two green bubbles flashing, as well as talking. "oh hey Dream, ready to stream?" asked George. "always."

we all hopped onto hipixel and started playing bedwars. this streak was special for George because he decided to wear his colorblind glasses so he could more accurately see the colors. this isn't the first time he's seen color, making it easier for me to handle. i don't mention this often but i cried the first time he saw color.

"George go for green! they're coming to our base!!" i yelled, and for once, George knew exactly what was happening. he knew exactly where to go.


when George finally ended his stream is was just him, nick and i. i was flirting with George again this stream and i was wondering if i was going to hear about it from Emma or not. fingers crossed am i right?

George got a donation that he read out loud that said "i love you dream" and it gave me butterflies. but why? why did i feel like this? i have a fiancé for crying out loud!! i ignored it and moved on, trying to not make a big fuss out of it.

"i love you dream" rang in my head for hours. it was impossible to do anything, i just stuttered and moved on from it. "i love you dream."

why am i thinking about this? "i love you dream."
no. i love George and he knows that, but i haven't ever meant in that way.

i tried to brush off the "i love you dream" and move on. i did, actually. the three of us chatted for a while before i decided to get off and go spend time with Emma.

George POV
clay left. he had to go spend some time with Emma or whatever. i understand that she takes priority and all but why can't he see me.

i could practically hear him blush when i accidentally said "i love you dream." he stuttered really bad and pretended everything was okay. did he actually blush or was it just me. it really could have just been me. i really hope i'm right.

when the stream ended i just crawled in bed, it was around 1 am for goodness sake.

i changed into my oversized dream hoodie and some shorts and crawled back into the bed i cried in last night.

i got all comfortable and that's when i realized i had to use the bathroom. don't you hate that? when you get all super comfortable and that's when you have to get up?

i open the door and met by my cat. i pick her up and put her in my bed, and move back to the door. when i make it to the hallway i feel the cool feeling if the wood below me and i shiver. it's always so cold in England.

Dream POV
its been a couple of hours since the stream ended and i've been cuddled up in the couch with Emma watching Spongebob. I may be 21, but Spongebob is still the greatest show ever.

Emma tells me she has to go overseas for 2 weeks to do a report. she didn't mention where exactly, but i know it's going to be a long while without her.

i felt my heart ache but i just reminded myself of George. he's a good way to make me smile. i reminded her i would be just fine and she didn't have to worry. she believed me and we exchanged "i love you's" and she got up to get ready for bed. i noticed a text from George. "can you hop on discord?" i thought this was weird but i agreed nonetheless.

i let Emma know i would be in my office and made it down the hall. i never shut off the computer earlier, so all it took was a quick shake of the mouse. discord was open and i noticed George was already there waiting for me. why is my heart rate raising? everything is speeding up.

i clicked the microphone button and spoke.

"Georgie, is something wrong?"
844 words

sorry this chapter is shorter than the last one. i need to think of ideas!!

take care of yourself boo;)

tiktok: graci.innit.was.found

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