Chapter 6

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It's not like I lose concentration in class or anything, I'd consider myself pretty average. But when you find out that you're about to study something you already took, you start not to care. Besides, who wanted to know about the old ages? What happened happened, why dwell on the past when we have so much ahead of us now, in the future? Instead of studying about the great acts of man kind throughout the ages, shouldn't we be doing some great act right now? Like building the next big thing. Or ditching class. Or inventing flying vehicles. Wouldn't that be an airplane, why am I such an idiot?

I wonder how people back then had the patience to get somewhere without a car.

I mean, a carriage? Seriously? That would take me a lifetime to get me where I wanted to go! And I bet their butts were numb due to the long rides. I'd rather hop on a kangaroo, that'd make me more active with a numbless butt. Maybe in it's pouch? Oooh maybe there's cable in there! Haha I should make a comic on that. Wait, there's cable in cars too, I mean where'd we hear the radio from anyway?

"Allison?" A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

I snapped and pulled my arms to turn on the radio, but couldn't find it. Then I became aware of my surroundings. I was at my desk, Mr.Woods right in front of it, looking at me with a hat in his hand. I looked down and saw that there were little pieces of crumpled paper in the hat.

I looked at him questioningly. I could see from the corners of my eyes that Jenna was giving me a lopsided smile. She knew I dozed off, and didn't warn me. Great.

Mr.Woods sighed, "You're about to pick your partner for the project. Try paying attention next time."

I nodded and reached my hand into the hat, and took out the first piece my fingertips felt. Mr.Woods reached out his hands for the paper, when I gave it to him he uncrumpled it and read out loud, "Nick Wesley." Then continued on to Jenna.



I heard a snort from the other side of the room.

Come on! Why me? Why him?! I mean this project is worth forty percent of my grade! I didn't need him to ruin it for me!

"Ashley Grey" I heard Mr.Woods say to Jenna.

Hold that thought, now I feel sorry that she has to deal with her. Guess I could tease her about it for not warning me about my dozing off. Mr.Woods continued on to the desks behind us.

"I can't believe you're partnered with Nick Wesley! I hate you!" She whispered jokingly.

"I'd switch any day! And why didn't you warn me about Mr.Woods?!" I whispered back.

"Oh please, take Ashley! The girl thinks chemical bonds and James Bond are related! And I couldn't help myself, you looked so funny just staring blankly at the wall while Mr.Woods just stared at you, waiting for a response." Then she held in her breath, holding in her laughter.

This is the part where I should've been mad, but I couldn't, I just laughed along with her.

"Greyson Ray" I heard Mr.Woods confirm another partner to an Asian girl, "Okay, so by now you all have partners. I will assign each pair with a country or city. There are ten advanced questions in your books and you guys have to work hard to figure them out, the first are always easy, but it gets harder by the question. You could use your books and the net for resources, and you have twenty days to do so. Good luck."

Wait, was that it? Answer a few questions? It seemed like the Asian girl read my mind because before I knew it, she questioned, "That is forty percent of our grade?"

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