Chapter 7

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Guys, I'm not posting a pic of Ally. She's too beautiful! Use your imagination :)

The look on Jenna's face was hilarious when I told her I already knew where music class was. Besides, that's where I met Nick. I sighed when I remembered I had to meet up with him at Jelly Joe's. Where was Jelly Joe's anyway? Did he even consider my oblivion to the map of this town, let alone this school? I'm new!

And why me? Ninety five percent of the class would've gladly taken my spot. As I opened the classroom door, I realized something: I came on time. That was a first ever since I got here! I mentally rewarded myself a cookie and grabbed a seat near a few other students when I realized the teacher wasn't here yet. He's late? Oh, the irony. I took out my notebook and started jotting down a few lyrics, still wondering why Sam lied.

Knowing you,

You're not gonna stand up for yourself,

Befriending you,

Seems like that's my job and no one else,

Are you lost? Are you alone?

I'm here now - you're not on your own.

I'll be there-  "Announcement!I heard a cheerful masculine voice erupt from the doorway, interrupting my thoughts. I looked up and saw a man in his mid thirties, grey streaks taking place around his black curly hair. The same man that I saw playing the piano earlier today, also known as what I like to call the teacher. When he saw that he gained everyone's attention, he started, "I just got the news of an upcoming mucic talent show

Before he could finish his speech, a few students started whispering to the other excitedly. "Guys! Let me finish!" He silenced, "This talent show is held by the managers of Hollywood Records. Yes, the Hollywood Records." He said when we - yes, including me - gawked at him.

"They're looking for young talents, but not your ordinary kind of talents, like guitar-playing or dancing. They want something that might grab everyone's attention, something that might bloom in the world of fame. And I guess that's the prize. Just know that this isn't easy since it's a competition between us and nine other schools. First place gets five thousand with a scholarship of your desired Univeristy"

What wha-? He meant cents right? He must have. Winner gets five thousand cents.

"Second place gets one thousand and a scholarship to a limited number of universities." the teacher continued, "last place gets two hundred and an iPhone." We laughed at the last sentence, "So guys, for this talent show, be creative. Make something meaningful, alright? Don't do any magic tricks, it's a music talent show." He looked at a short guy who seemed to frown at that little piece of info.

The teacher - Mr.Riles, I read on his door - went and sat by his desk, giving us the chance to think this through. 

"Maybe we can do everything! Like, you know, dancing and singing and acting all in one?" I heard a blonde a few feet away from me suggest to a group of girls. "Isn't that called a musical?" I interjected. I should start socializing more since nobody I knew so far was in this class - well except that asian girl from Historical Geography, she was sitting around them.

A few girls giggled. "Oooh! That's a great idea! We should totally do that!" She said excitedly, giving me credit. I mentally laughed my head off, since it's kind of rude to laugh at her face. My god, she really is blonde! I also noticed that some of the girls were holding in their laughter as well, seeing as to how their eyes narrowed and their lips quivered to a straight line.

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