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I limp out of my apartment, already late for some stupid lunch with Chaeyoung and Jisoo. 

I don't even remember saying I'd go so it's stupid.

"Good Morning Lisa" My neighbour shouts, coming up to me

I smile at the older lady and bow respectively

"Morning Miss Han"

She smiles widely and waves her hand 

"Come on Lisa, call me Ju-ri"

I nod and smile at her as we walk down the hallway together, talking about soft topics like her niece and my family

She's not that old, but she's well into her 40's so I feel some what comfortable with her

"I'm going to have to use the elevator, my back isn't what it used to be" She jokes, waving me goodbye

I laugh and wave back at her, ready to walk down the stairs

"Oh and Lisa, Your girlfriend is beautiful, don't forget to thank her for helping you last night!" She says, smiling brightly at me. 

The doors on the elevator shut and I'm left standing on the top of the stairs.

I feel a wave excitement,but it quickly dies down and is replaced with uncertainty and slight anger

"She said she'd kill me."  I mumble, remembering last night's trip to the forest.


"So, how was it last night?" Jisoo asks, biting into her chicken thigh. 

Chaeyoung hands her wipe and carries on cutting into her pancake.

"It was alright. I didn't find anything, but managed to sprain my ankle" I scowl, remembering when she told me to run

I don't know if this will kill me, but she's a bitch. How am I supposed to run if I have a sprained ankle?

I huff and take a bite out of my muffin. 

"So, cool shit right here cause I knew you wouldn't find anything" Jisoo says, wiping her hands and mouth from the chicken grease.

She places a quick kiss on Chaeyoung's cheek, making her blush slightly but carry on eating

"What could you possibly have that'll make my day other than a bottle of whiskey?" I ask, wanting to slam my head off the table.

"You know Bae Joo-hyun from Geology?"

I nod my head and lean in, listening attentively.

"Apparently she saw her. Y'know the no face lady. According to Yeri she slept with a hot girl, but none of them can remember her, and Joohyun can't even remember her name or face"

I blink a couple times before my mouth drops open

"What?" I say, making sure I don't shout

"I know right? First time I heard it I wanted to call her out on her bullshit, but I kinda believe them now"

My eyes widen, and I can practically feel the exhilaration coursing through my body

Chaeyoung giggles and taps my shoulder

"Calm down their bud, you look like your about to fly to the moon"

I look over at her and smile

"I am, do you know what this means? It means that we're not wasting our time for something that is a dead end."

Jisoo tuts and gives me a challenging smirk

"That's the problem. We're not chasing a dead end, but if they all ended up going nutters, what's gonna happen with Irene?" 

I blink and lean back

The interviews said that the people would say they'd sleep with her for 3 days only before they finally went crazy. 

"When did you hear about this?" I ask Jisoo, my leg bouncing up and down as I try to control myself.

But it's so hard, this is honestly so thrilling

"I heard about it from Yeri the first time like last month, but yesterday she messaged me saying Irene is absolutely crazy"

My eyes widen

A month ago? Why stay with her that long if she's just gonna end up going crazy like the rest of them?

"We kinda need to see her." I say

Jisoo smirks at Chaeyoung and holds out her hand. Chaeyoung groans and fishes for a crisp $50 note. Slapping it into Jisoo's hand

"Seriously Lisa? Couldn't you take a few dire hints" She groans, piling our plate and rubbish together so it's easier for the staff to collect

I don't listen to her and hurry out of the cafe, making sure I hand Jisoo a $10 note as thank you for the meal and info

I know she told me not too. I know she basically told me I'd be dead the next time I go there, but I really, really can't fucking help myself.

a/n the comments on this story make me wheeze 😂

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