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We sit opposite Irene, on her kitchen table, as she looks out of the small window

Honestly she looks absolutely normal, I don't know what I was expecting her to look like if I'm honest

I look over at a tense smiling Jisoo, and a happy Chaeyoung

"So Irene Unnie, haven't really heard what your side is? H-how did you meet her" I ask carefully, because I don't know if she's nuts like the no face lady

Irene smiles and laughs slightly

"Chill you guys, I'm not going crazy. Not yet at least.  I was camping out in the forest near my place. I heard a loud noise, but didn't think too much off it because I was obviously outdoors. But when I opened my eyes, she was there. I can't remember her face, but I swear I remember the smell"

Jisoo leans forward, her eyes shining

"What did it smell like?"

Irene looks out of the window for a moment, as if she's trying to collect her thoughts

"Fresh bread and honey" I mutter

All eyes are on me, and I smile slightly before turning to Irene

"That's what you smelt right?"

She nods her head with a bright smile

"Yeah, you've met her?"

I squirm slightly under Jisoo's glare and nod my head

I'm in the shit now

"Y-yeah, a few times."

Irene quickly reaches across the table, putting her hand on mine

"I know she's tempting Lisa, but don't go looking for her. I'll probably be stuck in a mental asylum soon. I've fallen for her tricks. Her voice especially. "

 I think back to the no face lady's voice, how addictive and smooth it was before nodding slowly


I plop on my bed, waiting for Jisoo to stop pacing

"when were you gonna tell me? That you potentially met this obviously very crazy bitch!" Jisoo shouts, still pacing

I'm gonna be sick if she carries on

"You didn't remember. And she did it for a reason. Plus, it's not like she's been giving me explicit info either. She's being a stingy bitch who told me to run with a sprained ankle! I mean who says that?!" I start normally talking, but eventually the annoyance creeps into my words

"That stingy, narcissistic, sadistic bitch!" I curse.

How the fuck was I supposed to run? It was more like a fucking speed hop because I sprained my damn ankle!

Jisoo stops pacing and looks at Chaeyoung before they both start laughing

I turn and look at them, my words registering in my head. 

I snort and start laughing alongside them

Jisoo eventually calms down and pats my shoulder

"I didn't mean to shout, but even if I won't remember, tell me okay? I know for a fact you going back today, so take me with you"

I look over at a smiling Chaeyoung, and smile

"I'm not bringing gum"



The black haired woman stood in the shadows, listening to their conversation, she sighs heavily looking at Lisa's smiling face as her and her friends plan their night

She tuts and fades away. 

She looks around, smiling when she spots Irene laying down on her couch

"Your here already" Irene says, a small sad smile on her face

"I am. But for the last time, I've found someone more interesting than you." She says, picking at her nails

She bites her lip, because no matter what, she did slightly feel something for the girl laying on the couch. 

But it wasn't anything special. Otherwise she wouldn't be doing this

And she'll never feel anything special. For anyone. It's her punishment.

Walking up to the girl, she hisses slightly, her voice stern as she turns her face.

"Look at me Irene"

Irene lets out one single tear before turning her head slowly, eyes widening and jaw dropping when she spots her lover's true face

Her scream catches in her throat as the black haired woman smiles widely, showing off the dark space that fills her mouth

Though, the smile looks like it pains the woman, but Irene screams none the less

A loud scream echos through the building. Alerting her neighbour.

The door bangs open, and the lady simply stays and watches as they attempt to calm the hysteric girl down

"She's there! She's there!" Irene shouts repeatedly, pointing at the black haired lady.

The orange haired woman shoots a fleeting look over the blank space

"No one's there Irene"

Irene carries on crying, screams still ripping out of her mouth

The black haired lady runs a finger down Irene's face and whispers in her ear before fading away.

"I'm not real darling"

a/n it's like 4 am and i can't sleep so enjoy the update spam lmao:))

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