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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Where is he?" Kie asked, pacing back and fourth as the group anxiously waited at the dock for John B. Sage looked down at her watch which read 3:19, but there was no John B in sight.

"Just give him a minute, he'll be here." Pope said, untying the boat. JJ messed with a few things, as Sage sat on the bow of the boat engulfed in her own thoughts.

When did her life become so complicated? She wondered. She spent most of her days going to school, hanging out with friends, and sleeping 15 hours a day like most teenagers did.

Now she was being chased by cops, robbing a drug dealer, and her friend was dealt the worst hand of all. Framed for murder.

Thunder crackled throughout the sky, and storm clouds started to move in quickly. Sage heard sirens in the distance, and she grew anxious. She stood up quickly, and saw Shoupe's police truck quickly making its way down the dirt path.

"JJ." Kie called out, JJ looked up, and dropped whatever he was doing.

"Get back on the boat!" JJ said, quickly trying to find an escape route. Sage froze with fear, but soon relaxed when she watched John B emerge from the cop car.

"No way." JJ said in shock. Proud couldn't even explain the way he felt about John B right now.

"No effing way."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You've gotta be kidding me."

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin." John B said, wrapping his arms tightly around Kie as she smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

"Okay, that's believable. I'll buy that for now." Kie said with a chuckle before she pulled away from the hug.

"It wasn't easy bro, trust me, but I got the Phantom for you, and she runs like she was made yesterday." JJ said, tossing John B the keys.

Sage looked down at her feet, as her mind was taken back to the events in the garage. She could still imagine Rafe's bruised up face, as blood ran down his lips.

"Where's Sarah?" John B asked, snapping Sage out of her thoughts.

"She's not with you?" Kie asked, growing confused.

"No, we got separated in the swamp. She said she was gonna meet me here." John B said, started to get anxious.

"No, we haven't seen her." Pope said. John B sighed, gripping his hair tightly.

"Okay well I'm not leaving without her." John B demanded.

"John B, look at me. I know you feel bad for leaving her, but there's no time, man. You've got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp, okay? Once you get there, lay low, all right? Hang out for a couple weeks and then go overland, across the border at Brownsville, you got that? Brownsville. Hey!" JJ said, grabbing John B's face forcing him to look at him.

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