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Finch choked on her sip of iced tea, and stared wide eyed at Clove
"I'm sorry but explain again how in hell you managed to make a deal with Cato like that?!"

Clove shrugged, glancing at her phone.
"He's big on the whole 'proving others wrong' thing. I found an easy way to make some money and took it. Nothing wrong with that."

Finch smirked slightly. Classic Clove honestly. She was always finding ways to get things out of others, and was always taking stupid bets. But none of her bets had been this extreme. Simple things like 'you owe me pizza if I win' but never anything as extreme as one hundred dollars.

"But how was your little lovey dovey art lesson with dream boy?"

Finch's cheeks flushed pink, as she tried to keep her cool.
"Marvel is a special guy... he's... really sweet... and funny..."

"Ah young love," Clove sighed elbowing Finch slightly with a stupid grin. "Ask him out."

Finch snorted. "Me asking him out? I don't think so bud...."

"And why not?"

"Because not only am I the most awkward human on the planet, I'm also a wuss and that idea makes me wanna piss my pants."

"Then piss in them. I'll be there to clean them up. Seriously do it! I've got your back!"

Finch rolled her eyes shoving clove slightly.
"On a side note: do you know when auditions are actually taking place?"

"Nope. Maybe you should ask Marvel."

"Ask me what?"

Clove jumped as the brunette idiot slung his arms around her and Finch's shoulders. It was like he was always listening for his name, and waiting for the right opportunity to chat. What if he's heard Clove teasing Finch....

"When auditions start," finch said.

Marvels face suddenly fell.
"What?"Clove snapped, becoming a little anxious with the change in the boys demeanour

"Well I've heard that the director of the play dropped out... close relative just got diagnosed with cancer or something and they can't deal with a play..."

"WHAT?!" Clove snapped angrily, "no! No no no! This is basically our last chance to act! They can't ruin this for us!"

Marvel sighed nodding, arms still around the girls, but looser now. "I'm pretty sure they're posting an announcement about it either today or tomorrow. If not then maybe the rumours were false and the show is still happening."

"It better still be happening! It has to be!" Finch exclaimed, eyebrows scrunched together tightly, causing her to look almost in pain.

"Let's just wait and see," clove sighed turning the corner of the hall. "Hope for the best."

"Agreed!" Marvel released the two from his grip and gave them a small wave. "See you two later, and Finch.... thanks again for the art lesson! It was fun!"

Finch blushed and gave a short wave, then turned back to Clove.

"I really hope the play still happens," she said, frowning slightly. "For your sake mostly. I know it means a lot to you..."

"Hey, honestly if this doesn't happen, I'll just stick with drama club. It's better than nothing right?" Clove tried to sound upbeat about it. She loved drama club, but deep down she would be devastated if she didn't even have a chance at trying out for the play.  "Let's just wait till the end of the day to check announcements."

Finch nodded in agreement, and the two headed to class.


The final bell rang, and students quickly raced down the halls, eager to get on the bus and leave the school. That was most students at least. Any and every drama nerd though? Gathered at the front door of the office, where the new announcements would be posted on the bulletin board. There were at least twenty five or so students, chatting quietly, waiting for the secretary to walk out. The buses wouldn't leave until 3:20, giving them all about seven minutes to loiter.

"Hey, Clove Kentwell right?" 

Cloves head snapped to the left, as she came face to face with a blonde haired, pale green eyed girl.

"Um yeah. You're Glimmer right?"

The girl smiled, and nodded, holding out her hand. 

"We've met before but not anything personal. So you're trying out huh?"

"Well if there is still going to be a performance...yeah..."

"Hopefully there is! Modern Cinderella sounded cool!"

Clove scrunched her nose. No it didn't. It sounded dumb. She wanted a part in it even if it was dumb but she would've chosen a better idea. At least original Cinderella would be better...

"Well I assume you're all here concerning play auditions?"

The chatter stopped immediately as the students nodded eagerly.

Mrs Dalton, the tall wispy haired blonde secretary smiled.

"I'm sad to announce that the original plan of a modern cinderella story will not be happening due to issues in lack of directors, BUT, there will still be a performance!"

Whoops went through the small crowd, and Finch squeezed Cloves hand, giving her a little smile.

"And that play will be," Mrs Dalton continued. "A fun little twist on sleeping beauty! Directed by me personally!"

Murmurs rose up, some excited, others disappointed. As for Clove and Finch, this sounded better than any of the previous ideas! But one thing was for sure. Clove would be the next sleeping beauty!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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