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Clove moaned, flopping down into the back seat of her Geography class. Geo had to be one of the worst classes created. Besides math and science of course. To make things worse, she also didn't have any friends or even good acquaintances in the class, and therefore, had to doodle during any free time instead of talking to people, only increasing her reputation as a grouchy, hostile little bitch.
The class slowly flooded in, and clove shoved an earbud in her ear, attempting to block out the world.
"This seat taken gorgeous?"
Cloves head snapped up towards the voice. A tall, well built blonde boy, blue eyes holding a mysterious glint in them.
"Call me that again and I'll cut off your lips."
He shrugged and sat down. Clove never really talked to or interacted with Cato Hadley, but when she did, it was an experience that left her feeling like death. To make it worse, everyone loved Cato.
He was hot, and knew it. Talented as well. Probably the best hockey player in the entire school. He also dabbled in multiple other sports and extra curricular activities causing teachers to adore him as much as the female (and even portion of the male) population.
She knew Marvel was good friends with Cato, and that was one of the few reasons she didn't want Finch mixed up with him. It would mean interaction with the blonde asshole.
But finch was Cloves best friend, and no matter how much she despised Cato, anything for that strange redheads well being. She was just that kind.
"Hey gorgeous.... you have an extra pen?"
Clove rolled her eyes, huffing angrily.
"Sorry. I you'll probably flirt with my pen if I give it to you and I can't objectify it to that."
"Even if I'm hot?"
"Holy shit," Clove breathed rolling her eyes. His ego was bigger than she thought. "I actually want to hurt you right now."
Cato grinned, flashing his perfect white teeth.
"You could hurt me any day."
Clove scrunched her nose up, turning away from the vile creature and putting her earbuds in again. Cato Hadley was hot, but also the schools biggest flirt. A run of the mill player. Actually... he never really had a long time or official girlfriend for quite a long time, but he had plenty of females hanging on him and commitment was a very unappealing thing in his eyes.
That whore.

Class continued for what seemed like hours when finally, finally, the small ding of the class change bell sounded. Finch was in History with Clove. As well as Marvel. Clove knew for a fact this class would be a million times better than the first.
The halls were full of hurried students, trying to make time to grab their second binder or food to sneak into class with them. Some teachers swore by the no food in class rule almost religiously while others didn't care if students cooked a three course meal.
History had that kind of a teacher. Clove swore he was at least pushing ninety years old, eyes always tiny little slits, like he was an inch from sleep. History consisted of watching a twenty minute video on the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway or Confederation and creation of our Country (which had to be the most boring part) then after the video, they'd be handed a five question work sheet, to be finished for the rest of the class. Those sheets (which could be answered without a lesson or video) would take three minutes and the rest of the class they talked. If Mr. Hokema was up to it, he'd give a ten minute lecture, but that only occurred about twice a week. Clove did enjoy learning about war though so she was a little miffed at the lack of world war history, but she was willing to give it up for an easy as hell class.
Basically Clove was getting an entire free period with her Bff and her crush. Perfect time for Cupid to spring up.

Clove once again claimed the back seat, and waited for Finch.
"Damn! I didn't know we were in even more classes together! Guess I never noticed how quiet you were!"
Clove flinched and the voice.
Was Hadley really in this class? She would've noticed! Surely! "Awful lucky that I got a course change huh?"

"Kill me now," Clove muttered covering her eyes.
"I will not!" Cloves head snapped up at the change in voice. Finally Finch had come! "Piss off Hadley, this is my seat," Finch declared shoving Cato away from Clove. Cato frowned and slowly backed away instead sitting in front of Clove.
The class filled more and more, until finally Clove spotted Marvel. She grinned as the lanky boy took his place next to Cato, right in front of  Finch.

"Lucky one aren't you?" Clove whispered
Finch rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Is Mr Hokema late again?" Marvel asked turning around to Finch.
Clove grinned. Maybe she wouldn't even have to do anything. Maybe they'd get all cute by themselves!

Finch shrugged.
"Probably passed out on the staff room."
Marvel laughed slightly bobbing his head up and down.
"Oh! I had a question to ask you that I forgot about..." he reached into his bag, pulling out a slip of paper. "Not really a question I guess but ah- I've seen your stuff in art class and- um... well was wondering if you could help me out with my project?"

Finch's eyes widened as she quickly glanced over at Clove in panicked, Clove smirked, winking at Finch, then turning away as to not disturb the two.

"They aren't a thing are they?"

"Hm?" Clove looked up at Cato, who had turned in his seat to face her.

"Finch and Marvel. Did I not get updated on a relationship?"

"No. They aren't a 'thing'.... but they will be..."

Cato raised an eyebrow.
"And you're so sure because..."

"I'm fucking Cupid."

"Yeah. Cupid that throws knives into peoples skulls."

Clove let out a small laugh, quickly silencing it, realizing that she was not supposed to interact with Hadley in a friendly way.

"Did you just giggle?"

"I don't giggle."

"You laughed! At me!"

"You have females hanging off of you yet you chose to torment me."

"Yeah. Anyone ever tell you freckles are cute?"

"No because they're not and you just like anything with boobs soooo..."

Catos cocky grin faded slightly becoming more serious.
"I'm not as shallow as you think."

"Prove it."


"Actually pick a girl instead of just taking a new one every day. Be a committed you hoe."

Cato opened then closed his mouth.
This bet sounded far from fun.... but to prove Clove Kentwell wrong? Well... it was awfully tempting.

"You're scared because you wouldn't be able to do it," Clove stated.

"Well..." Cato searched for an excuse. "I can't find a girlfriend that quick... someone that I'd actually love and stay with-"

"Fine. Take your time. But when I decide times up I win and you admit you're a shallow fuck boy.
I'm also surprised you understand love."

"Of course I do. Don't be a bitch. And fine. I'll do it."

Clove smirked.
"Let's make it more fun. Loser owes winner 100 bucks."

Clove nodded
"I- fine. It's on."

Authours note

A little bit of a longer chapter but that's never bad is it?
Anyways with me being as impatient as I am things escalate quickly but oh well  ¯\_()_/¯

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Love you all xx


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