Part 2: Pandora

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The beautiful girl was standing still in silence, simply staring at them with her dark blue eyes, she would focus her gaze on one of them and after a while, she would shift to the next.

The awkward silence continued but after her gaze fell upon Subaru she finally spoke

"Oh my, it seems I've disturbed your business here"

The girl's voice was pleasant to the ears and though she had only said less, Subaru felt comfort in hearing her voice.

"But I must say though, doing this in broad daylight is quite brave of you,the knights are still patrolling around these times you know?"

As if breaking from a trance, they realized their situation, the short man quickly pointed his knife in the direction of the girl and said

"K-Kid! now that you've seen what happened here we can't let ya go on breathing"

Subaru panicked and wondered if he could help the girl somehow, he wanted to call for help and shout as loud as he could but he barely has enough strength to stay conscious

"Kid? are you referring to me perhaps? though I may look like this I'm older than your ancestors mind you."

"what are ya talking about?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway I swear to not tell of what has happened here, you have my word."

"You think we'll believe that?!"

The large man shouted

"Oh please do, It would be sad to know that I'm not trusted, anyway enough about that I would like to know how did you feel when you stabbed that man"

Subaru was a bit shocked by the question of the girl


"Oh did you not hear me perhaps? very well I would repeat it again, How did you feel when you stabbed that man?"

The three were confused with that question and one of them asked

"Why does it matter to you?"

"Oh it doesn't, I'm just curious is all, the act of you people stabbing that man will result in him dying, which mean that you three have essentially taken his life, life is the most precious thing to a human being and you three took it from him, to do such an act is in a way.....Glorious..."

"Oi I think this chick is crazy"

"Tch, we don't have time for this bitch the guards could come anytime soon!"

as the grayish blue-haired man said this, he took out his knife and charged at the girl

"W-Watch out! Gack!"

Subaru warned the girl using his remaining energy but this resulted in him coughing up blood

"Resorting to violence? I wouldn't recommend that after all i-"

The girl was cut off by the man who stabbed her in the heart with his knife


Subaru was shocked, because of him the girl died, because of his weakness and foolishness the young girl died, Subaru couldn't accept this, he had to do something.

But as he was thinking, the girl spoke

"That was a bit too rash I must say, after asking what you people felt I planned to leave and let bygones be bygones but I wonder if I could still do that now. "


all four spoke in unison, they were shocked by the fact that the girl was still able to calmly talk

"Y-You....How can you still talk like that when there's a knife in your heart?"

"Fufu knife in my heart? what are you talking about? There isn't anything like that in me"

Before Subaru realized it, the knife that was once in the heart of the young girl was returned at the hands of the man, the wound that was also there seems to have vanished.

"B-Bitch, What the hell did you do?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, it seems that your eyes were playing tricks on you"

"Don't mess with me! I felt the knife connect when I stabbed you!"

"I think you're worrying too much about the small details, you three have been quite boring so far so I think I would settle for this gentlemen instead"

The girl started to walk toward the direction of the fallen Subaru

"Oi, you think we'll let yo-"

"I'm done talking to you three so for now why don't you boys, Behave and keep your mouth shut"

Some unknown force made the three unable to move and speak, all they could do is watch as the young girl pass by them.

The young girl stood in front of Subaru and looked at him for a while before saying

"My, quite a situation you're in, are you feeling alright?"


Subaru could no longer respond to the girl, he's lost too much blood and was at his limit, his breathing was ragged and his consciousness was fading

"Hmmm...I can't have a conversation with you like this, guess I'll do this for now"

the mouth of the girl moved, Subaru couldn't hear or tell what was it that she said, but after this Subaru felt his energy returning, his body became stable and he was now able to speak again

The girl looked at Subaru and gave a smile, Subaru was entranced by it and made his heart melt

"Did it help? that's only temporary though so don't think you're safe just yet."

"Wbho...W-Who are you?"

"Me? hmmm let's see....I've had quite the number of names but....Pandora, My name is Pandora"

'Pandora' Subaru repeated the name over and over in his head, it was beautiful, Subaru remembered a Greek legend in which one of the characters was also named Pandora, She was said to have been gifted and loved by the gods, such a name is truly fitting for her.

"It's common courtesy to say your name after I've given mine you know?"

"O-Oh my bad..... My name is Subaru...Natsuki Subaru"

"Subaru...quite a unique name I must say"

As she said this, pandora drew her face closer to Subaru, Her beautiful eyes and face was seen more clearly by Subaru, he panicked a bit but quickly regained his composure and replied

"Y-you think so?"

"I do.....But anyway that issue is for another time, Subaru, though you may feel fine as of the moment the truth is you're still standing in a thin string between life and death, I'm more than capable of making you recover but that's only if I'm satisfied by your answer to my question"

"Question? What question?"

"Indeed......and that question is......Why should I save your life?"

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