1: Introduction

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There was a small malnourished blond haired child who journeyed down the ally looking to steal from civilians as his daily survival.

Bumping into a tall man with a nice suit and a fancy hat the boy quickly apologized and ran to his home. You might think this boy ran to his parents, but you are mistaken, for the past four years the young boy has had to live on the streets in a cardboard box. All because he lacks an ability that 90% of the population posed a quirk when they turn the age of 4. He was seen as a freak and quickly isolated from his fellow peers at school. His own family disregarded his ownwell being and sent him to a orphanage. He still remember his sisters horrible laugh as they drove away forgetting him. "Hahahahaha I knew you were useless Izuku!".

Izuku believed the orphanage would be kinder to him, but he quickly learned it was worse. The orphanage was a monarchy having the strongest quick users adopted while people with less powerful quirks or so called villain quirks left out. Izuku with no quirk was singled out and abused by the helpers and even fellow orphans with powerful quirks. Izuku tried staying there, but with the little amount of food he received he decided it would be better in the streets.

During that time Izuku was only 4 years old and had salvage to survive. Digging through garbage to find bits of food and drinking water from restaurants. In all honesty Izuku should have died long ago, but his sheer willpower kept him alive if only barely.

Reaching into his pocket of his coat Izuku pulled out a wallet from the man he bumped into. Flipping through it Izuku had a smile there was $200 in cash and credit cards he could sell. Smirking Izuku began to walk away until he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Well well well what do you think your doing you filthy rat," the man snarled snatching his wallet out of Izuku's hands. "W-w-well s-sir you d-droped it, a-a-and I was going to find you to give it back!" Izuku replied trying to contain his nerves and stuttering. "My mistake lad have a good day," the man says while tilting his hat and walking away. Izuku unbelieving he got away walked in the opposite direction before being burned alive by a stream of flames. "You think I'm a fool boy, I'm a pro hero my name is Hotshot, you are but a poor delusional child who's unworthy to breathe the same air as ordinary citizens and hero's, "the man criticked the small boy. Izuku could only scream in pain as tears flowed freely from his eyes. "Little brat let this teach you a lesson, don't mess with hero's, "The man told Izuku and began walking away leaving Izuku with 3rd degree burns, until he heard something that made him enraged. "Fuck *cough* *cough* y-you," Izuku said in a low tone while coughing up blood. Unfortunately for Izuku Hotshot heard him. Turning around Hotshot activated his quick once again. " Hey kid guess what my quirk is called." After not getting a reply he continued, "It's called inferno, the more I use my flames the hotter they become, but once I stop using my quick it returns to It's original temperature," Hotshot told Izuku before activating the quirk in his hand and began to charge up his quirk on a brick wall. After the wall looked almost worse for ware the man turned the flames on the boy with a angry scowl that only the number 2 hero Endeavor could match. Seeing the boy passing out from pain Hotshot kicked the boy seven times in the stomach with his boot and spit on the so called 'scum' boy.

2 days later Izuku woke up with new burn scares covering most of his body and had a minor concussion. Feeling as if he would die without food for much longer Izuku crawled on the ground towards a mysterious fruit on the ground. The fruit was white it had a swirl pattern and had a curly, fuchsia stem on its top. Taking greedy bites and almost puking the disgustingly tasting fruit he swallowed the fruit whole. Izuku with his now fully stomach went back to sleep, but as he was entering his slumber he saw a white haired man in a nice looking business suit walking towards him. Struggling to stay awake Izuku attempted to move, but found his body fought against him.

"Do not fear child you are safe now, since I am here," the white haired man told the child with a wide smile. Izuku no longer wanting to fight let sleep take him into his dreams where he could do as he pleased.

The man picked up Izuku's body and a grayish liquid came out of both of there mouths taking them to a unknown location located in a bar. "This child has had a difficult life I need to you to watch over him with Tomura," the man told a bartender made out of mist. "Wait master Tomura is hard enough it wouldn't be good for a another child to be raised-" the man made of mist told him only to stop seeing the white haired man raise his index finger in the air. "Kurogiri," the man spoke with a commanding tone with no room for arguments. "Yes master it shall be done," Kurogiri bowed before taking the small child from his master and administrating first aid to the badly burnt boy.

The white haired man took a one last glance towards the child and felt some sort of connection to the child. Shaking his head the man left in the same grayish liquid thinking about a certain new hero.

In a small apartment one Inko Yagi wondered if she made the right choice of leaving her son in the safety of the orphanage and away from her husband's and her own enemies. If only see knew what she helped create.

Hello guys long time no see.... I know I'm going to get lots of comments about updating the Decendent and don't worry I'm planning to do so this weekend! This story won't be a weekly updated story and will be done randomly. Thanks for understanding and I hope you all enjoyed!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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