Chapter 7: Are you sure?

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What was the point, Jin wondered as he ventured deeper and deeper into his wardrobe, of having gone shopping so many times if one had no clothes to wear? He had clothes. But none of them seemed like the type he could wear for this party. There was legit no time though, there would be guests in their house any minute now. He had even gone shopping specifically for formal clothes, where was all the shit he bought?

"Baby?" Jin jumped, as the voice sounded much closer to him than expected. He hadn't heard Namjoon enter the closet. "You're not ready?" Jin sat down on the carpeted wardrobe floor dejectedly, still in his bathrobe.

"I can't pick what to wear" Namjoon was dressed already and oh boy. People who had the kind of unfairly good proportions that Namjoon had should not be allowed to wear all black. He was wearing wide legged pants that for once were not hugging his legs but they didn't need to. At least Jin knew exactly what he was hiding behind there. He wore it with a modern black tunic. A silver pendant hung, snug between his two pecs. Not that the pecs were visible. But Jin knew. Suddenly realizing how hard he was staring, he looked up to see that Namjoon was also riffling through his clothes.

"Didn't you have that salmon shirt and blue blazer combo? That always looks very good" Always? How many times had he worn it and how many times had Namjoon though he looked good? Namjoon found the outfit it seemed, because he reached over Jin and pulled it off the rack. "Here. You can wear this. Right?" Jin got up off the floor. He took the hanger being offered to him.

"Are you sure? This is party worthy right?" Namjoon smiled, a little amused.

"Absolutely. Now can you hurry up? No one's coming to meet me tonight, they'd all be looking for you" Jin nodded, gulping down pure, undiluted fear. 60 some guests. All coming to see him. No pressure. Namjoon had walked out, but he peeked his head back in. Jin thanked the stars he hadn't undone his robe. "Hey babe?" Jin looked up at him inquiringly. "Could you wear the earring? It'll look nice" With his face going up in flames, Jin nodded. Namjoon finally left the room, closing the door behind him. They both knew what 'the earring' was. It was the one dangly earring Jin wore to dinner sometimes and it always transfixed Namjoon. He'd always spend a large part of their date just looking at the damn earring. Well, who was Jin to question his husband's choices when he himself looked like that. Jin quickly changed and did his hair. He then fastened on his watch and put on the earring. Just a party. Only friends. No pressure.

Jin walked out of his room and down the stairs to find entirely too many people in his kitchen. Oh right. The serving crew. He rushed forward, looking for their lead. Once he located the woman, Jin explained to her where everything was and how to treat his food. He had spent all morning perfecting it, he would be damned if someone ruined it. He knew he was going off a bit but it was his party ok?

"There you are Hyung" It was Taehyung. He was dressed like he had walked off a Gucci runway, camera around his neck. "Namjoonie Hyung sent me. You do remember the party is on the roof?" Jin blushed, turning around. Taehyung easily linked their arms together and they walked up the stairs. They walked onto the roof, and Jin quickly realized why Taehyung had come to get him. He was late to his own party. It seemed like everyone was here already. Someone had turned the music on, and the bar was going. Namjoon spotted them and excused himself to walk over.

"So glad you could make it" He teased, as Taehyung patted him on the back and waltzed off. Jin swatted him as he let him take his hand and lead him to the bar. "Get a drink and calm down. These are all friends here" Jin nodded, taking deep breaths. He asked for a vodka shot, and downed it quickly. Then he asked for a martini. Armed with a drink to sip on if conversation got awkward, Jin turned to Namjoon.

"OK, I'm ready" Namjoon laughed and then linked their hands, leading him into the throngs of people. Their roof really did look beautiful. The kids had done well with the decorations. Namjoon took him to around the room. All of his employees were actually very nice. They all seemed to know him already. Everyone said they'd heard a lot about him. A lot of them gushed about how amazing they looked together. Jin had a permanent case of The Blush. They finally approached a middle-aged lady, who beamed and left her dinner alone as soon as she saw them.

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