Chapter 8: Closure

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Padding barefoot into the kitchen, Jin took a moment to take in the sight. Namjoon was standing with his back to him, coffee mug in his hand scrolling his phone. He usually took a half hour at home preparing for work like this. Now Namjoon was hot at any given moment, doing anything. But dressed for work, fitted shirt tight against his back muscles, his legs looking longer than they were (which was pretty long), hair slicked back and sleekly parted, he looked delectable. Jin sneaked up to him, which was easy with how engrossed in his phone he was. Looping his arms around his waist, he kissed him behind the ear before nuzzling into his neck.

"Who made you breakfast?"

"I made me breakfast"

"And nothing is burnt? I don't believe it" Jin placed another kiss on the mole Namjoon had on his neck.

"Haha. I was about to come wake you. Don't you have class?"

"Nope" Namjoon turned his head around to face him.

"No? But it's Wednesday"

"Got cancelled. Some seminar the kids have to attend"

"So you have the day off?" Jin turned him around fully, falling forward to boop their noses together. He couldn't remember the last time in his life he'd been so cheerful in the mornings.

"Don't sound so jealous"

"I am jealous. You get to stay home and lounge in... where did you even find this?" Namjoon was staring at the sweatshirt Jin had on. It had his college emblem on it and came down to Jin's midthighs, meaning he could shamelessly skip wearing pants. He'd found it at the back when he cleared out Namjoon's closet.

"It's soft" Jin shrugged and then resumed peppering little kisses down his husband's throat.

"It's at least 5 years old"

"Still smells like you. Can you focus here, I'm trying to seduce you into staying home" Namjoon laughed and took his chin to push his face up.

"I have back to back meetings" Jin pouted at him, earning another soft chuckle and kiss. "I'll come back early"

"And bring sushi?"

"And bring sushi" Namjoon was smiling so wide, his dimples looked like craters on the moon. Jin poked them as he kissed him. Namjoon was still smiling as he kissed back, and it sent butterflies fluttering in Jin's stomach that he was the reason behind his happiness. Their bliss was cut short as Namjoon's phone began to ring.

"Why is your mom calling me?" Namjoon looked at him, confused.

"I don't know, put it on speaker" Namjoon answered the phone and did as he was told. "Why are you calling my husband Eomma?" Jin asked, earning a shake of head from said husband.

"Because you never answer your phone" His mom replied sounding one hundred percent done with life.

"Good morning Mrs. Kim"

"Good morning Namjoon-ah. Jin, you'll have to look into your luggage for Appa's swimming trunks" They exchanged looks, Namjoon looking amused.

"Why do I have Appa's swimming stuff?"

"Because he has yours. I think we swapped them when you packed. He needs his for the corporate retreat. So please drop them off will you"

"It's my day off after ages, can't he come get them?"

"I'll drop them" Namjoon spoke up. Jin looked at him, mouthing a 'sure?'. He nodded.

"Ok Eomma Namjoon can drop them after work. Don't keep him too long, we have plans"

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