Chapter 3: The Magic Garden

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Come on Jinnie. Come to bed"

"No. You don't get to come back after the entire day, reeking of alcohol and call me to bed" Mark sighed, walking over to where Jin stood. He pulled him in by the waist.

"Don't be a hard ass Jin. Just come here"


"Oh shut up will you"

"No! Let me go Mark! Let go!"

"Hey. Jin hey, it's me wake up" He was shaken roughly awake. He sat up with a gasp, blindly pushing the hands that were on him away. The lights were all on. He took deep shaking breaths. It was not Mark whose hands had been on. Of course not, it was Namjoon. He had been dreaming. Namjoon looked a little terrified. When they made eye contact, he breathed in and out calmly. Jin mirrored him without noticing. He helped Jin breathe until he had calmed down somewhat.

"Did I hit you? Just now" Namjoon shook his head.

"Let me get you some water" He walked out of the room. Jin had spent months in therapy for these nightmares. How were they back now? Now when everything was good after years? Namjoon came back, handing him a glass of water. He then scooted over next to him.

"I'm sorry I woke you. I'll go sleep somewhere else"

"Why? This is your room, why sleep somewhere else?"

"I've had these dreams before. They'll recur. I'll just wake you up again"

"That's okay. I don't think a scared person should be waking up alone" He was consciously sitting apart so that none of him touched Jin at all.

"How much did you hear?" Namjoon looked at him, their eyes meeting briefly.

"Just no and let me go Mark?" Jin nodded. His heart was thumping. How much did Namjoon know? They'd never talked about this.

"Mark was my ex. Did your mother tell you?"

"She asked me if I wanted to know. I didn't" Jin stared at Namjoon. He smiled. "What?"

"You didn't want to know about my past?"

"Nope. Not from anyone who wasn't you. You can tell me when you're ready. Asking Eomma would have been like gossiping" Oh wow. Namjoon knew nothing. He had a clean slate with him. Would he still have been quite this nice to him if he knew? "It's not your fault you got dealt a bad egg you know. I gather he wasn't nice?" Jin looked back into his lap.

"Try extremely abusive" Namjoon put his hand, palm up, between them. Jin gave him his hand. He was always so warm, whenever Jin touched him.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. But that's why we're here right? New partner, new life" His hand was squeezed a little. Jin smiled. New life. New life sounded good. Especially since the last one had been barely livable. "You wanna try sleep again?" Jin nodded. Namjoon pulled him down to the pillow. He turned the lights out and turned to Jin. Slowly, gently, he began running his fingers in Jin's hair. Jin took a steeling breath. Then he rolled over into Namjoon's chest. He stayed still, praying he hadn't read this wrong. Oh wow. Namjoon really did smell delicious. Namjoon pulled him in, hooking an arm under his head before resuming to play with his hair. Jin fell asleep trying to place what made Namjoon smell so good.

When Jin woke up, he was very surprised to find that it was morning. He should have woken long ago with another dream. But he hadn't. He felt rested. Not that he'd been sleeping badly. But he felt like smiling, the way you only felt after a truly amazing night's sleep. He squirmed in the pillow a little. Something was tickling his neck. Jin made to get up but something was holding him down. An alarm started going off, it's annoying beep filling the room. The offending party causing Jin's tickles burrowed in further, squirming at the sound. Jin looked over his shoulder. Namjoon was buried into his shoulder, breathing softly onto his neck. He had an arm around Jin. Jin usually slept curled to his left, he must have dragged Namjoon along in his sleep. He felt color rising in his cheeks. He had totally invaded Namjoon's private space. That too unconsciously. Namjoon whined softly, scrunching his cute button nose. The damned alarm was still going. Jin lifted his arm off himself and reached over him to dismiss the annoying device. His movement finally made Namjoon open his eyes.

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