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Corpse wasn't sure how to handle going viral. It has been about two weeks now and he's been working non-stop to try and keep it. He had since released a new song with SavageGa$p and it has easily become his most popular song in a manner of 5 days. If it weren't for Mykie, he would've worked himself to death already.

If he was being honest, he wasn't sure how to keep all the fame. He figured it was for his voice because he knew for a fact his personality wasn't that interesting. Corpse started streaming Among Us, something that made him incredibly nervous, and was constantly baffled by the fact there would be over 100k people watching. He just couldn't fathom why.

"It's because you're amazing and people are starting to realize that." Mykie had offered one day when she basically had to force him away from his computer to eat. She was staying with him until he recovered enough to take his meds, in case his fibromyalgia flared up, which was a big possibility considering how stressed he was. Mykie would make sure he ate, slept, kept up on basic hygiene, he was positive that without her, he would've withered away.

Currently, they were sitting at the counter in his apartment; Mykie had made them Chicken Alfredo and he remembered how wonderful home-cooked meals were. They ate in silence, Corpse making sure that he was eating slowly so as to not cause his GERD to act up. Since he couldn't have Mykie doing absolutely everything, he did the dishes, and eventually, the two settled back down at the counter.

"Mykie I really don't know how to thank you for everything." Corpse started, taking a sip of the water he got earlier. "You didn't have to do any of this but you are, even when I don't deserve it." He heard her sigh, letting a few seconds of silence pass before she spoke. Her voice was soft and emotion laced every single word she spoke.

"I never told you this but....when we first became friends I was in a pretty bad spot. My YouTube channel started getting popular and I was stressing about how to keep it going. I was new to all of it. I just didn't know how to maintain it. Eventually, I started...drinking too much. To drown the stress, I guess." Mykie was picking at the skin around her fingernails, it was her nervous habit. He offered her his hand and she carefully placed her own within his. "Whenever it got really bad, you just seemed to be there. It wasn't on purpose, I don't think, but you'd just show up at my apartment with wine and take-out, or you'd text me to play games at your place. You helped me get through an unhealthy addiction. I didn't tell you because I felt like that would've just put pressure on you that you didn't need but whenever I felt down all I had to do was text you and you were always ready to hangout." She finally met his eyes, her own barely holding back tears.

"I'm not letting you beat yourself up over this. Even if you hadn't helped me back then, I would still happily do this for you. And you can't say anything because if you knew what I was going through, you would do the exact same thing." She smiled, using her free hand to wipe the tears before standing up and heading to her room. Mykie was never the best at sharing her emotions and Corpse felt happy that she trusted him enough. He hadn't realized he did that much for her but he was pretty oblivious to things like that. After sitting there for a couple of minutes, he decided to head to his computer to join a stream with PewDiePie and Jacksepticeye.


It was a Monday night, Corpse was in the passenger seat of Mykie's car, staring at his hands with wide eyes. Currently, he was having a panic attack. He felt as if he couldn't breathe through the black face mask he was wearing, his hands shaking as his chest was uncomfortably tight. The car was too confining, its walls slowly closing in on him. He couldn't focus on anything around him, the only sound he could process was his uneven breaths. This wasn't that big of a deal, right? Oh god, what if he didn't live up to the expectations. He knew for a fact he didn't. Why did he agree to do this anyway?

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