Happily Ever After

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Corpse couldn't remember the last time he had been this happy. And in all honesty, he still didn't quite know how to handle it. He was so used to life screwing him over the second something remotely good happened to him. Oh, YouTube is starting to kick-off? Here, let's have you lose your voice and paralyze your arms! The thought made Corpse laugh bitterly. And now, six months since he and Sykkuno got together, he was waiting for that to happen again. His mind was telling him that this is all some elaborate prank they're pulling on you. Distance yourself now and it won't be as painful.

But then every time he talked to Sykkuno on the phone or hung out with him in person, all those thoughts just vanished. No matter how much he doubted himself, his soulmate was there to play with his hair, smile and laugh at his jokes, and raise his serotonin by just existing. In the first month, he felt he was being so selfish by using Sykkuno to make himself happy. Eventually, he learned that if anything, the brunette was purposefully putting himself around Corpse to make him happy.

"Are you sure you're happy with me?" Corpse would often ask, anxious that Sykkuno's response would change each time he did. But always, he was rewarded with the most beautiful smile in the world, and reassurance that he was, in fact, happy with him. After every time he asked, he would get the most amazing cuddles to solidify it. It was moments like those that were his favorite. 

The fourth month into their relationship, Corpse agreed to meet Sykkuno's friends in person. Well, at the time they were just internet friends to the dark-haired man (with the exception of Sean) and he was so nervous about disappointing them. But in his mind, he told himself that Jacksepticeye had stuck around after seeing his face so they should too...right? Mykie agreed to come with him, she was good friends with Marzia and Evelien due to their soulmates being friends as well, so it made him feel a little less bad about her coming along. She drove him to the house Sykkuno shared with his friends, hyping him up the entire time. He had asked her if it was weird to cover his face with a face mask and eyepatch but she assured him they would understand.

When they got there, Mykie was the one who knocked and they were greeted by his soulmate who was looking absolutely adorable in one of Corpse's oversized black hoodies and light blue skinny jeans. He and Mykie exchanged a hug, which was then given to Corpse though much more intimately. They entered the house and the first person to enthusiastically introduce themselves was Rae. She was the same person whether she was on the computer or in person, which provided Corpse with some sort of normalcy. After that, it was Toast, Lily, Poki, and Charlie. Lily and Poki were initially a bit too much for him to handle and he was thankful when Toast peeled away the man who was clearly freaking out. Felix introduced himself next and Sykkuno was so glad to see that Corpse, Felix, and Charlie had hit it off pretty well, much like his soulmate and Sean.

It wasn't until a month after they started hanging out did Corpse feel comfortable enough to show them his face. To his relief, no one was disappointed or thought he was ugly. The only comment they made was about how he really was only 23. After that, he never wore his facemask around them (sometimes he wore the eyepatch if his eye was acting up) and he quickly became integrated into their little group. Not even a week later did Felix accidentally let it slip on stream that Corpse and Sykkuno were dating. That was probably one of the worst panic attacks Corpse ever had, but Sykkuno was there to hold him and comfort him until he was better. And then, they talked about it, agreeing that just because it's out there now, they didn't have to do anything they weren't comfortable with. Luckily for them though, they often flirted with each other in Among Us even before they started dating so their fans still got a little bit of fanservice.

Now, they sat next to each other in Corpse's room, their fingers intertwined between them. It has been six months since they entered a relationship with each other. Corpse had just finished recording a song that felt the most personal to him and asked Sykkuno if he could give his honest opinion of it. In the past, his songs were typically a bit too aggressive for the brunette so he was sort of expecting this one to be the same. However, he was pleasantly surprised by the lofi nature Corpse had chosen and he decided that it fit the man's deep vocals pretty well. And just like he had promised, it was incredibly personal.

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