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The next day, Sykkuno woke up pretty early. He was too excited for today to actually go back to sleep and he spent the whole day with Rae, Poki, and Lily picking out an outfit. It was a lot more complicated than he thought it would be, the three girls arguing about what he should wear. As they were fighting amongst themselves, Sykkuno went about styling his hair. He didn't put much product in, letting it fall across his forehead like he usually does. The rambling behind him came to stop as a hoodie was chucked at his head, forcing him to look at the three girls.

"We came to an agreement." Poki smiled sweetly, getting up and shuffling the rest of the group out the door so he could change. Chuckling, he slid on the white skinny jeans and a lime green hoodie. They chose some matching converse and admittedly, he felt as if he pulled off green pretty well. By the time he was ready, it was about 10 o'clock in the morning, he heard a ding from his computer set up in the corner of his bedroom. It was a notification from discord, from none other than Corpse Husband himself.

'Hey, I'm sorry this is last minute but can we meet at my place? My condition is acting up.' Corpse had told Sykkuno that he had an illness called fibromyalgia. He didn't really go into much detail so the brunette had taken it upon himself to do a little bit of research. Essentially, it's a condition that flares up whenever the person who has it is stressed and causes pain in the muscles. He couldn't imagine blowing up as much as Corpse has with that. And he figured meeting at his apartment would make him more comfortable.

'Sure! I can have Sean drive me.' He offered before shutting off his computer. Sykkuno wanted to say they could wait for a day he wasn't in pain but he felt as if Corpse really needed to just talk things out with him. And since he was off his meds, this was bound to happen eventually. Leaving his room, he met his friends in the living room and covered his face as they complimented him. The next hour was spent helping Sykkuno relax, both by playing Mario Kart and jamming out to anime openings.

Sean had readily agreed to drive him, and when the clock hit 11:00, they got into his car. The ride there was spent with the two of them talking about Corpse, streaming, and any random thing that came to their minds. Sykkuno, despite what he previously thought, was not all that nervous. He was ready to listen as Corpse got everything he needed off his chest and he could promise himself now that no matter what he says, he won't leave him to deal with it by himself anymore. When Sean pulled up in front of the building, Sykkuno committed the floor and room number to memory. His friend told him he would be visiting Anthony while he was in town so he'd just be right around the corner if he was needed.

Sykkuno watched as he drove off before turning around to enter the building in front of him. His heart was hammering in his chest, more so for the anticipation of the situation than anything else. He was relieved that the elevator was empty, he didn't have it in him to actually pay attention to strangers. His mind was swirling with possible outcomes of the situation that might unfold when he walked through Corpse's door. With a beep, the elevator doors opened on the 6th floor and so he made his way down until he stood face to face with apartment #64. Without wasting any more time, he knocked.

He was expecting Corpse to open the door but instead, he was face to face with a strikingly beautiful blonde woman. She stood at about 5'4, her hair pulled up into two buns. Her blue eyes were framed by black eyeliner. She smiled brightly, stepping aside to give him room to come in. He did so, spotting Corpse sitting on the couch wearing the same black face mask and white eyepatch the first time they met. He was wearing a black v-neck shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. And of course, he was bedazzled with silver rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Sykkuno! I'm Mykie." The woman, Mykie, introduced herself, shaking his hand with enthusiasm that he found endearing in a certain kind of way. She was the polar opposite of Corpse and he realized that's probably why they were such good friends. He wasn't threatened by the fact she was a woman, he had three close friends that were girls as well, and now that he knew who she was, he could properly thank her some other time for everything she's done for his soulmate.

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