Worried >> Chester

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*midnight 12:20am*



*Parker audit a video for new Luxury dark*

Parker:What's up guys. Welcome to band new Luxury dark. We.....

*After audit video*

Parker:you still alright?


Parker:(touches Chester’s forehead) it look likes you don't fine.

Chester:I'm fine. Dude



*Chester not feeling fine and Parker go his room to checking him one more time*

»Chester’s room«


Chester:(didn't respond and still on bed)

Parker:(Go forward) Chester?!

Chester:Par... Parker....I'm.... I'm...Ah.. Hurt..... tak....(its really hurt and not talking)

Parker:Chester?! Chester?!

*Parker’s princess hug to take Chester go hospital*

〔Morning 7:40am〕

*Parker been waiting for couple min*


*Doctor just went out Operating room*

Parker:Doctor. Is my friends alright?

Doc:We just The operation is very good, he'll be discharged after about 2 days in hospital.

Parker:Thank you so much. Doc.

Doc:you can see him now

*Chester’s Ward*

(Parker opening door and saw Chester was slept and go forward on him and sit down for a bit)

*Parker’s sigh*


Parker:(realize) Chester!!

Chester:What's this place?


Chester:Wha... Dude. We still recording.

Parker:No. No.. We already make a video and video already upload on channel

Chester:Alright. Fine. Can we go home now?

Parker:No. You spend on hospital in 2 days.

Chester:What? I don't want

Parker:you must. But I'm here with you.

Chester:you with me spend a night on hospital??



Parker:Just sleep. I'm worried about you.

Chester:I didn't have drowsiness now. I'm hungry now.

*Knock knock*

Parker:Come in

*An doctor in Chester’s Ward and sent him food*

Doc:Hope you enjoy (leaves)

*Chester pick up the food and begin to eating*

Parker:careful.. Slowly

Chester:its good.



*Parker kiss Chester*


Parker:Just eat your food. Hahha

›2 day's‹

Chester & Parker:thank you doctor for caring

Doc:Welcome. Be healthy to you body


Chester:Hey. Dude. I'm better now. Let's go eating somewhere


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