Optimus Prime

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(Non cybertronian reader.
This is fully inspired by my amazing friend Fluffspark from Amino! Thanks again bud! You inspire me to keep writing!! Brooke character also Owned by Fluff. This is a bit longer! 740 Words so I hope you enjoy!)

I couldnt- No- I didnt want to deal with them anymore.

It felt like every day they would hurt me, attack me, threaten to kill me for WHO I AM! I've lived my life with them making it a living nightmare. All I want is for it to stop.

For a while now, I've known the Autobots, Team prime -outpost Omega 1- the base, the kids, everyone. They finally brought something into my life that I've wanted for ages! Brooke, the amazing Anthro Wolf dragon hybrid, shes become one of my greatest friends, an inspiration for my creativity, my art. My friends here, they've helped me through all of this and more. My favourite among the bots, being Optimus. He was just like the best bot among them, just something drew me to him, but whatever went on at base, never changed what would happen back at school.

Today, just even more overwhelming.

I went to school, a fresh new day, with Jack, Miko, Raf and Brooke, my friend group who I wouldn't change for anything, would normally make me feel safe. But today I had to study. I had to go to the library, and with how things are, I had to go alone. Why did I have go alone...

They wouldnt stop.
"Hey look at them! Why are they so weird?"
"Hey you see that creep? I have an idea for once they leave-"

I thought nothing of it at the time, after all, I thought they wouldn't try to hurt me, with everyone watching at least. It was normal for me to hear this. They've never gone through with it anyway!
Frag was I wrong-

I finally packed my things and left the library, feeling relieved I had finally gotten caught up with my assignments. I began to walk towards where me and the others would normally meet to be picked up by the bots, I was just about half way around campus when they caught up to me.

All I felt was the quick yank at my rucksack before falling to the ground, then kicked into a Bush. Finally to top it all off, a hard object smashing against my face and exploding, whatever it was, spilling all over my side.

"Urghh--" I groaned as I first wiped it off my face to see. My eyes wouldnt focus, their shadows looming over me, their ominous laughing overwhelming.

I just got to my feet, cleared my path and ran. Passing where my friends would have been and out of and away from campus. Running further and further until my legs gave way, tripping and hiding into the back of an alleyway. I began to sob. My whole body giving in, yet I was so quiet through practice, no one would know I was there unless they looked for me.

I tried my best to calm down, yet it was just more and more overwhelming the more I thought about it.

They're going to find me here, they're going to do it again. It will never stop. It will NEVER STOP!

I curled up into my knees, hugging them close and breathing deep. I couldnt move, I couldnt go to my friends, those people would see me.. see me..

I checked myself over, it was only a water balloon that they threw at me.. it's okay.. but them doing that wasn't.

You cant go to your friends about this.

My thoughts became louder.

Your friends, the Autobots, they will see you as weak. They cant help you. They'll just see you as an attention seeker. You caused this anyway!

"Enough- please..." I whispered, again to myself. Finally the thoughts were cut short by a familiar sound-

The bright green and purple swirls appeared beside me and I heard the familiar ped steps break through.

"Y/n there you are!" A young voice spoke, I looked up to see it was Brooke, her wings perked up as she was perched on someone's shoulder.

I looked to the large Autobot, and a small smile broke from my tearful face.

"Brooke saw you leave the school and told us of the actions your bullies took. You are not alone Y/N. We are here." It was Optimus, his deep voice soothing as he knelt and held out his metal and and digits.

It's time to go back, back to the place that I can truly go home.

With Optimus.

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