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As the game came to a close, the ball was set to Y/n. He had a clear line of sight and saw that there was nobody in his way, so he sent the ball to the other side of the net, with Oikawa trying and failing to receive it. He scored, and they reached 15 points, which meant that they won.

Y/n quickly congratulated his teammates before glancing at the other side of the court. He caught Oikawa's eye, but before he could turn away, the older boy gave him a smile and a thumbs up. Y/n gave Oikawa a quick smile and a nod before turning to look at the clock.


'Good...We still have some time to eat,' he thought, walking towards his bag and taking out his lunch that he made himself. He sat where he was and began eating, with the other boys soon joining him. Y/n quietly observed the others, wondering who the two older boys that he didn't know were.

Iwaizumi noticed that he was looking and said, "Ah, L/n. This is Takahiro Hanamaki and Issei Matsukawa. They're third years like me and Trashykawa here."

Y/n nodded at his two senpais, both of them returning the gesture.

"Ahem. Iwa-chan." Iwaizumi turned to look at Oikawa, who was sitting next to him and across from Y/n.

"What, Shittykawa?" he glared at the boy, waiting for him to speak.

Oikawa flinched and sighed. "Could you please stop calling me that?"

Iwaizumi looked like he was pondering for a second before responding with one simple word.


Y/n couldn't help but snort as he watched Oikawa's reaction, the older boy falling back and groaning. He sat up as he heard his kouhai quietly giggling, and he glared at him.

"Glad to know that my kouhai thinks that my pain is hilarious." Oikawa mumbled, turning his attention back to his food in an attempt to hide the small blush that was forming on his cheeks.

With a smile, Y/n finished up his food and got up, disposing of it. As soon as he began walking back, however, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. He sighed and gathered up his things, waving at the other boys before walking off. Before he could get too far, he was stopped by Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

"L/n. I know you can't exactly stay for long, but...could you possibly try to come to our meeting later? You don't have to stay the whole time, just enough so that you can get acquainted with the rest of the team." Iwaizumi said, looking up at the younger boy, who looked like he was thinking very hard.


When he heard Y/n's response, Oikawa's entire face lit up and he looked very happy indeed.

"But..." Y/n continued. "I have to leave at around 3:30 since my mother wants me home by 4. Is that alright by you?" Y/n glanced at Oikawa, directing the question to him as well.

"That's a-ok, N/n-chan! I'll be looking forward to seeing you there!" Oikawa smiled, which caught Iwaizumi's eye.

'His smile is...actually genuine. For once.' He thought before quickly responding to Y/n with a nod and dragging a struggling Oikawa away to his class.

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