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In the AVL old Building Tails was walking and saw it.

He walks in and checks himself in.

Tails: Hey I'm looking For Gumball.

Gumball walks to him.

Gumball: There's the sport I was looking for!

Tails turns and looks at him.

Joey: Gumball Are you sure this plan will work?

Gumball: No.

Joey: You better be sure!

Gumball Takes Tails to his office

Tails: So who in this civil.

Gumball: You, Me.

Fiona walks in the room.

Fiona: Me also.

Tails sees and in shock.

Tails: FIONA!!?

Fiona: How long has it been. Rexall We're on the same side.

Tails: What about Scourge?

Gumball: Scourge has been hurting her in very bad ways.. She learned her mistakes and,, She parted the team.

Tails: So who's on our side?

Gumball: There's three main Dawn of justicers.

Tails: Who?

Fiona: A doctor, a devil and A Watcher.

Tails: Where are they?

Fiona: Each different city in Ireland.

Tails: What's going on now?

Gumball: The Red Guy is batting ah?.. Tod- Toddler?

Tails: The Doctor?

Fiona: out space.

Tails: The watcher?

Gumball: Fighting the black lives matter by his side.

Tails: Is there anyone else that by our side?

Gumball: There is.

Sonic Vs. Gumball Civil War Where stories live. Discover now