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Sana POV

Hngg~ Who knock the door?? "Ms.Sana..There's someone wanna meet you." My maid told me and I rub my eyes as I'm really weak to get up..My head feel so dizzy right now.

"Tell him or her to come in." I said and then resting my head on my pillow...I don't realize that my eyes start to close up and almost fell asleep until that person enter my room.

"How's your condition?" I thought it was Dahyun...But it Tzuyu!!!What is she doing here?!!Shouldn't she must be in class now?!I don't say anything and she touch my forehead.

"It's good for you to sweat but...Your forehead is too hot right now..Did you take your medicine already?" She ask like she cares about me..But I feel safe and like it at the same time.

But then,she sigh and sit down on the chair. "I'm sorry,about yesterday..." I just recall about it as she mention that..I turn my body backing her while crossing my arms.

"Why you didn't coming yesterday?" I ask and she sigh again. "I'm really sorry...I forgot that I had...A date with Taehyung last night and sorry again." She said.


"Do you choose him more than me???You know I've been waiting for you like for an hour...No matter how hard was the rain pouring...And no matter how cold I was." I'm being honest but it's too dramatic!!!

It's really awkward!!!Why don't she say anything?!!!

Then...I feel like she grab my hand...And pull me..I was shock and she hug me..I feel so warm in her embrace than in my blanket...She caressing my hairs and said, "I'm really sorry."

I don't know why I wanna cry so sudden...

"Are you crying because you jealous?" Tzuyu said and I hit her chest.. "Who said that I'm jealous you fucking Chou damn Tzuyu!!" I mad at her and she chuckled..
"Sorry again.." She said and then get up.

"Tell me where's your kitchen?" She ask me so sudden then I frown. "Why you ask?" Then she sigh. "Do you think i came here for fun??I've brought a groceries with me now..Tell me anything you want to eat..I'll cook for you." She said and I shock about it.

I wanna taste her cooking but I don't want to trouble her a lot. "No need..I still have the maid-" I didn't even finish she already put her index finger on my lips. "Just listen to me..I'll do it for you." She said and I sigh..

I try to get up to show her the kitchen but...I fell down because of my dizzyness..Luckily,Tzuyu catch me up.. "Go back to your bed!Don't force yourself to much..
Let me find it by myself then." She lifted me up like a bridal style and put me back to my bed and she leaving my room.

How I wish she's my prince charming...



Without even realize,I fell asleep again...


"Hey..Wake up.." Someone waking me up and I slowly open my eyes..It was Tzuyu... "Ho-how long that I've been fell asleep?" I ask her.. "Hurm...Maybe in about 5 hours?" She said and I widened my eyes because it's already night..Geez!

"Come get up..Go and take a shower..There's a hot bath now.." Tzuyu said but I don't feel like I want to..I feel so weak... "I can't~" I said and she sigh. "Let me bring you there then." She lifted my arms up and take me to the bathroom.

"If you need something,just call out my name..I will waiting outside.." She said and about to get out from the bathroom..And I don't know why,I grab her hand.

"Wait!" I said while she tilt her head back and looking at me.

"Don't leave me...Stay with me here.." I sniff and she sigh.. "Fine.." Then she enter the bathroom together with me..This is so awkward...What should I say and do now.. "So...Are you going to take a shower or not?" She ask me and I came back to my sense.

"Ah-ahh.." I open my cloths and yeah..I FEEL SO WEAK EVEN I CAN'T OPEN MY OWN SHIRT!!I sigh a lot then Tzuyu pull up my shirt.. "Why don't ask a help from me when you can't doing this?" She sigh and I don't know why i'm blushing.

Oh wait-

I'm blushing because I'm half naked right now..

She then turn on the water while I ask her for help..
"Can you...Loosen up my bra?" I ask her and I know this is embarassing. "Sure." She doing this like nothing happen...I mean..Look how calm is she.

"Go take a shower now." She said while leaning on the door...I'm backing her because I'm naked and shy of course.. "Tzuyu..." I call out her name and she humming.

"Why are you coming here and help me?" I ask and she stay quiet for a while... "Tzuyu??" I call her. "For what happened yesterday..As my apologize.."

I see....So because of that...WHY I EXPECT TOO MUCH?!I THOUGHT SOMETHING ELSE!!!

"Hurry up..Or you'll catch a cold again." She said and I nodding...After finish taking shower,I realize one things..I don't bring any towel with me.. "Tzuyu My towel-"

"Wait here..I'll go get it for you.." She said and I waiting here..

After a few minute,she came back with a towel and she wrap me up then I'm shaking because I suddenly feel so cold.. "Come.." She then bring me back to the bedroom and then my maid coming.

"Ms.Sana your phone ringing a while ago." She inform me and I nodding before she leave..As I check my phone up,it's from Dahyun...I call her back and she answer me in no time..

"Baby are you okay??You feel better now??" She ask me in the other line and I smile. "I'm fine..Don't worry." I said and Tzuyu is searching for something in my cabinet.. "Sorry I can't visit you today because I also had a family problem here." She told me and I hum.

"It's fine..Go and finish it first.." I said. "Okay then..Take care..Don't forget to eat your medicine and I love you,Goodnight." She said. "I love you too." I said and turn off the call..

Then,Tzuyu give me a pyjamas... "Dahyun?" She ask me and I nodding. "You must be so lucky that your lover still care about you." She said and I chuckled. "Then you??You should be lucky too because Taehyung always taking care of you too." I said but Tzuyu show no emotion.

I wear the pyjamas and then Tzuyu bring me to the kitchen. "I already prepare your dinner..You should eat first before taking medicine." Tzuyu said and I smiling at her. "Okay doctor!!" And then we go to kitchen while the maid helping to prepare all the dishes on the table.

"Wow!!Are you the one who prepare all of this?!" I drop my jawline as all the food Tzuyu cooking is all fancy and look delicious!! "Yeah..With your maid help..
Thanks." She said and thanks at my maid.

Then I sit down but the two of them still standing there watching me. "Why don't you guys sit down??Do you think I can finish all of this alone by myself?" I ask and Tzuyu sigh. "Fine." She said and both of them sit down.

We eat together and talking about some story...

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