Chapter 6- Panic Attacks

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(A/N I just really like the song at the top, not related to this chapter at all)

Sasuke POV

"Please don't tell anyone" I hear Naruto's voice, just above a whisper.


"I'm Sorry, please don't hit me." Naruto say from the far corner of the room where he was now crying again and had his knees up to his chest . I'm guessing his mental state is really fragile after having one of these dreams.

"Dobe, I am so sorry for yelling. I won't hit you. I was just surprised you wanted me to keep it a secret. I mean don't you want us to help you out with this kind of stuff?" I say in the softest tone I could possibly use while slowly walking towards him. I was basically inching along at this point, I was afraid if I made too big of a movement he would get scared again. 

"NO! I mean yes! I mean should I? I mean if I should want help I want it. I mean I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE. I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO THINK OR FEEL OR SAY ANYMORE." Naruto yelled, slightly muffled by the arms he had now buried his head in. I had finally gotten to him and I hugged him, gently. He was still sobbing but had calmed down significantly. That was until he heard the sound of the door opening. My back was to the door so I hugged Naruto a little bit tighter and stood up holding Naruto and turned around to sit down again. Naruto was in between my thighs and torso, because I had brought my knees up to make him feel safer. I looked around him to see who had come into our room and was surprised, to say the least, to see in the doorway looking shocked...

Shikamaru's POV    (HAHA Bitches Bet you didn't expect THAT one) 

I lay awake in my bed I look up to the ceiling with my hands planted firmly behind my head. My brain was going a mile a minute. I noticed something about Naruto while we were playing Truth or Dare. He kept itching his arms, and looked really nervous when Sakura asked Kakashi if he had any secrets about the students. I am sure she was just looking to see if Sasuke liked her. But what really tipped me off that something was wrong was when Naruto answered Choji's question about pranks. He looked at Ino and Kiba after his explanation. Everyone else took it as, those two have experienced his pranks, but what no one else noticed was that on the way his eyes went between Ino and Kiba, he looked at Kakashi for a split second with grateful eyes then his eyes continued to their journey to Kiba. That was also right after Kakashi said he didn't have any secrets about any of the students. He also didn't eat much at the barbeque place we went to. Something was definitely going on with Naruto and it definitely had something to do with his arms. I decided I was gonna go check on him, maybe I could figure out why he was acting so weird. I got up and quietly walked to the door, as to not disturb the other person in the room. I quietly opened and closed the door. It was pretty troublesome, trying to not make a lot of noise, but it would be even more troublesome to get caught and questioned. I also didn't want to seem rude.

I walked a bit more carelessly through the halls seeing as no one could hear what was going on outside their door. I finally reach Naruto and Sasuke's room. I quietly open the door to be greeted by Sakura and Ino sleeping. Oops, wrong side of the hallway. I walk across the hallway to an identical door, which would have something much more shocking waiting behind it. I do the same as before, except slower this time, I can't see inside of the room yet but I can hear sobs. I opened the door a bit more so I can see inside, what I see leaves me in a state of shock. Naruto and Sasuke in the corner of the room, both wearing pajamas, but Naruto has bandages on his arms. It kind of scares me why. Naruto was sitting against the wall, with Sasuke hugging him, his back to me. Sasuke holds Naruto a bit more tightly, and lifts him up, with no effort at all. That is also kind of worrying considering he didn't eat a lot tonight either, Naruto hugs Sasuke back a little tighter, and wraps his legs around Sasuke. Sasuke turns around and sits down in the position Naruto was just in but with Naruto in his lap this time. He makes sure Naruto is comfortable, who was currently shaking very visibly and has his face Sasuke's shirt with sobs coming out, before looking up at me he looks surprised to see me of all people in the  doorway. He recovers from his shock quickly and motions for me to come in and close the door. I do, and walk over to them, determined to figure out what was happening with Naruto. When I reached them, I could see just how bad Naruto was shaking. I reached out to touch his shoulder to try and get him to calm down a bit more. He flinched away from me, like I was a stranger trying to hurt him, I could hear his breathing pick up the slightest bit, he climbed out of Sasuke's lap, and stood up with shaky legs and attempted to walk to the door. Once he reached it he grabbed onto the handle, but before he could turn it his legs crumpled underneath him and he went into the fetal position, hands practically pulling out his hair. Me and Sasuke rush over to him and hear him struggling to pump air into his system. He is also mumbling something but we can't understand him. 

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