👼Editor sipstea19👼

79 1 1

👼 Username : sipstea19

👼What type of genres are you interested in editing? I'm fine with editing anything. Can't think of anything that I won't try and edit right now :-)

👼Can you edit LGBTQ books? Yes.👼

👼Can you edit mature books? Yes.👼

👼Do you have any experience in editing? It's okay if you don't have though. No, I don't have any experience. Hopefully, my own writing can improve as I continue to edit.👼

👼 Rate how active you are on this app in terms of percentage : 50-60%👼

sipstea19 Let us know whenever you are busy with books to edit or any other personal reasons.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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