👼 Writer's rules 👼

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👼We have some rules that you have to follow in order for this shop to run smoothly. Without rules, this shop will not operate properly and you and I don't want that 👼

👼 Before anything, we want you to know that everybody has a life outside Wattpad including your editor  so you shouldn't bug the life out of them. Try to understand that they can be busy at a particular time and we are sure our editors will let you know if there is a problem. But if they don't reach out to you for a while, you can let us know by commenting your problem in the Q/A section of this book 👼

👼 Don't DM us unless we did first 👼

👼 Give us a shout-out out on your board and follow this account. We will be checking and not attending to any requests that didn't follow the rules 👼

👼 We are not collecting actual payment. You and your chosen editor will discuss any other kind of payment your editor wants. Payments like giving him or her a follow or giving  credits for the work done 👼

👼 You are not allowed to choose your own editor. Don't worry, we will surely give you the one that is suitable for your book! We will give you an editor that fits well with the information you provided in your form. Trust angels!👼

👼 You can only enter more one book.  We are only accepting English entries for now👼

👼The following chapter is where you have to fill a form and give us necessary information 👼

👼Let us know if you change your username or your book title. 👼

👼Let us know if you want to change your editor. You just have to comment 'I need to change my editor' in the Q/A section of the book and we will give you a DM so that you can explain to us what the problem is. Remember, do not DM us unless we did.👼

👼 The method to edit your book will be discussed between you and your editor.👼

👼 Remember that your editor has the right to discontinue editing your book or taking a break for some time.👼

👼 Bullying our editors will not be tolerated! Angels can get angry for that!👼

👼Rude behaviour will not be tolerated. We will also delete rude comments. This is a peaceful place 👼

👼The password is your favourite animal 👼

👼If you are curious about something or have a problem, drop them in the Q/A section 👼

👼Thank you for your time👼

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