explaining hamilton's songs in a nutshell

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Alexander Hamilton: if you forgot his name immediatly, don't worry, because they sing it every five seconds

Aaron Burr, Sir: a bunch of rhyming. hey, a new character! and Alexander DID YOU FUCKING PUNCH THE BURSUR I FUCKING TOLD YOU-

My Shot: five bois sings about freedom whilst getting drunk

The Story of Tonight: now the bois are even MORE drunk!

The Schuyler Sisters: and Peggy!

Farmer Refuted: if you tell everyone in Manhatten your political views, and Hamilton doesn't agree with them, he WILL engage in a full-on debate with you

You'll Be Back: a lovesick king goes psycho

Right Hand Man: George Washingmachine must fight a war whilst finding a secretary who ultimatly doesn't want to be a secretary

A Winter's Ball: some horny guys who are reliable with the ladies

Helpless: a helpless rich girl who falls in love with a poor soldier at a party and marries him like a month later

Satisfied: rewind with some great choreography. plot twist! sister of rich girl is also in love with poor soldier but gives him up for sister. then is sad rest of musical

The Story of Tonight (Reprise): four drunk bois after wedding. then Burr appears and reveals he's fucking a girl who's married

Wait For It: petty Burr

Stay Alive: don't you dare die. AND STEAL THEIR FUCKING CANNONS! 

Ten Duel Commandments: people are petty assholes

Meet Me Inside. damn. George Washingmachines PISSED

That Would Be Enough: Eliza's pregnant

Guns And Ships: LAFAYETTE! 

History Has It's Eyes On You: Washingmachine has some thoughful shit to say

Yorktown: the wars won, the battles fought, but there's still a bunch of shit to hear before act two

What Come Next: King George is still lovesick and psycho

Dear Theodosia: Burr and Hamilton have their own brood

Laurens Interlude: RIP Laurens Aaron Burr, Sir - Yorktown gone but never forgotten 😔🙏

Non-stop: every single fucking character/person is singing at the same time

What'd I Miss: Thomas Jefferson missed act one. And why does he look so much like Lafayette? 

Cabinet Battle #1: politics. and expect of a lot if it

Take a Break: Hamilton refuses to go on a nice vacation with his family because he cares so much about his work

Say No To This: whoopsie, Hamilton can't keep his pants zipped up! he has an affair but with Peggy in a red dress

The Room Where It Happens: Burr is just super fucking desperate to hang out with his friends

Schuyler Defeated: grandpa lost to Burr and Burr changed political parties

Cabinet Battle #2: who's ready for more politics? 

Washinington On Your Side: Madison, Burr, and Jefferson devise a plan because they hate Hamilton

One Last Time: Washingmachine steps down from being president and retires

I Know Him: the King George trilogy is completed 

The Adams Administration: John Adams is elected president and we learn he's a fat motherfucker via Hamilton

We Know: Hamilton stupidly reveals his affair to Burr, Madison and Jefferson because they accused him of embezzling government funds

Hurricane: Hamilton reflects on how shitty his life is

The Reynold's Pamphlet: Hamilton stupidly reveals his affair in a 93-ish page pamphlet and completely ruins his career, life, and marriage doing so

Burn: a grieving wife commits arson

Blow Us All Away: Philip Hamilton defends his father ina dusl and gets shot

Stay Alive (Reprise): Philip dies and sadness™ occurs

It's Quiet Uptown: sadness™ pt. 2

The Election of 1800: Jefferson or Burr? 

Your Obedient Servant: two pissed and petty men write each other letters and one challenges the other to duel

Best of Wifes And Best of Women: Eliza just wants to sleep

The World Was Wide Enough: sadness™ pt. 3

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story: we find out what happened after Hamilton's death. Eliza gets to see her and Hamilton's legacies live on 

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