Behind The Scenes

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Hey everybody! Here is my Behind The Scenes chapter for "For as Sick as it May Seem". Enjoy!

I began the outline of this story while hand-writing "Break The Cycle" and completed hand-writing it soon after I finished hand-writing BTC.

This story was ACTUALLY inspired by how much Chris-dates-a-teenager stories annoy me. I've read so many stories where Chris lusts after a sixteen year old girl and everyone acts like it's no big deal. That's why so many people think that Chris and Cory's relationship is odd in the story - because that is a more realistic reaction.

Cory refuses to wear contacts because she's afraid that she will literally poke her eyes out of her head while putting the contacts in or taking them out.

I originally intended for Cole to live through the story. In my original idea, when the building burned down, Chris ended up taking in both Cory and Cole. However, because of some things in the plot line that came later on in the story, I decided to eliminate Cole's character.

While it is never officially stated, Mandy is Cory's birth sister. Mandy knows it, but Cory doesn't - this is why Mandy is always looking out for Cory in such a protective way and is always insisting Cory find her birth family. Mandy found out that Cory lived in Pennsylvania and that her adopted parents had died, so she moved to Scranton to find Cory and reconnect. This is why when we first meet Mandy, she insists on Cory trying to find her birth family and does it a couple more times in the story. But since Cory always says she doesn't want a connection with her birth family, Mandy has never told Cory her true identity out of fear of what Cory will think. However, Mandy is NOT Cole's sister. Cory and Cole were adopted from different families at different times. I will not be making a sequel to this story, so I'll tell you guys this: Mandy does end up spilling the beans on Cory's 21st birthday.

Quick summary of Cory's birth parents: They had her when they were teenagers which is why they decided to give her up. They already had Mandy and couldn't handle a second child. They believed Cory would have a better life. As promised to herself, Cory goes her entire life without meeting her birth parents or family, other than Mandy. It's not because Cory is mad at them for giving her away; it's just because she's simply not interested in meeting them.

Quick summary of Cole's birth parents: Ironically, his dad was a firefighter. His mom got pregnant with him and, out of fear, never told the father. She ran away, had Cole, and gave him up. However, when she gave him up, she made sure the adopted parents got a note from her to give to Cole when he was 18. It was so that if Cole ever wanted to get in touch with her, he'd know where to find her. However, this note was given to Cory and Cole after their adopted parents died, and it was put into storage because they didn't want to be tempted to look at the letter before it was meant to be seen. A year or two after Cory and Chris married, they went through the storage and found the letter by chance. Cory agreed to meet with Cole's mother to inform her of Cole's passing. She was devastated.

Cory and Cole were actually adopted by a gay couple. Calvin and Cameron were both men.

I didn't originally intended on Cory getting scouted for the school in Texas. In my original idea, Chris and Cory got married just because, and Cory continued her high school year as a married woman.

It is ACTUALLY revealed that Chris and Cory are married in chapter 26. It says that Cory plays with her rings (plural) out of nervousness.

I had an idea for this story, and three other stories before I even thought of BTC and I couldn't decide which one I wanted to write first. Soo I wrote the very first chapters of all of those stories in a notebook, and decided I would do this one first. One of the other story ideas I had was the next story I'll be publishing, one was for a trilogy, and one was for another story that I'll be writing after the trilogy.

I originally intended on Chris and Cory starting out as Fuck Buddies before the relationship started, but decided against it.

The talent scout that discovered Cory, Donivan, was originally named Darrian. Then I changed it to David, then I changed it to Donivan.

The title of this story, "For as Sick as it May Seem" comes from the MIW song, Puppets. It has to do with how strange and, well, sick that people may think Chris and Cory's relationship is, despite the fact that (aside from a few things in the beginning and their age difference) Chris and Cory's relationship is almost like any other.

Be on the look out for my new story, "The Immaculate Misconception"! Can you guys tell what that picture is of? It's obviously a picture of Chris, but it's blended with a picture of something else. And based off the title...what do you think it's gonna be about? ;) It'll be up on Monday!

Have a good weekend, you guys!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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