7 - The Distance Kills Me

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"Sooo are guys together now?" Balz asks.

"I have no idea." Chris states, "I'm just glad I didn't totally fuck everything up."

"It sounds like it was a pretty close call." Ghost comments.

"Believe me, it was. I was so sure I was gonna lose her. I definitely need to be more careful around Cory from now on."

"And she said you guys would talk when you got home? What did she mean by 'talk'? Girls always mean more than what they say." Ryan says.

"The Hell if I know."

"Well like Ryan said, she's a girl. When do girls ever make sense?" Ricky asks.

"So you have no idea what to expect when we get home?" Vinny asks.

"No idea, whatsoever." Chris says, "I just don't want a repeat of yesterday. Word of advice, never piss off Cory or Mandy. Mandy looked like she about wanted to snap my neck and she even tried to at one point. Oh and Cory bitch-slapped me."

"She did?" Balz asks.

"Yup. I mean don't get me wrong I totally deserved it, but nevertheless it fucking hurt like Hell so always be nice to Cory and Mandy."

"We really need to meet this Mandy chick. She sounds like a trip." Ricky says.

"That's an understatement." Chris laughs.


"So. Are you guys together? You're totally together. Are you together?" Mandy asks Cory.

Cory laughs, "Me and Chris?"

"No, you and the Elephant Man. Yes, you and Chris!"

"Okay, yesterday you wanted to rip his heart out and eat it. Now you're rooting for us to get together again?"

"I was only mad at him yesterday because he'd hurt you. But you're not hurt anymore, so I'm back to shipping the two of you. So. Together? Not together? FWB?"


"Friends With Benefits."


"You say that like it's a bad thing. I for one have had many FWB relationships and they've all been fabulous."

Cory rolls her eyes, "It's not like that."

"Well then what IS it like?"

"I could barely sleep last night because I just couldn't stop thinking about him."

"Oh, now we're talking. So let's just say that hypothetically when Chris gets back from tour next month, he asks you to be his girlfriend; what do you say?"

Cory smiles, "I'd probably say 'yes'. We talked on the phone last night about everything that happened and...eventually we agreed to put it all behind us and start completely over. Clean slate. I just hope he sees his second chance as an opportunity to do better because I'm not gonna be handing out any more chances. I for one will totally make an effort to make...whatever kind of relationship this is a stronger one."

"Oh, you are SO going to be the future Mrs. Cerulli. No! Scratch that! The future Mrs. Motionless! Can I be your maid of honor?!"

"'Kay, first of all, I'm not even completely sure if he wants me to be his girlfriend; we're not getting married. Second of all, do I really have a choice as to whether or not you're my maid of honor?"

"Nope! You're stuck with meh!" Mandy exclaims.


Cory stood in the bathroom, redying some of her hair. She could never afford to go to a salon to get it done, so she always did it herself. She was pretty good at it, actually.

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