14 - Goodbye

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The last couple days had actually been quite wonderful. Who knew Chris Motionless could be such a romantic? He was so good to Cory, and he made her feel good despite the circumstances.

Now, it was Sunday and Chris was getting ready to leave. He was packing up any last minute things he may have needed. Cory really didn't want to see him leave; but she was excited for him. This tour was a big one, and there would be a lot of great opportunities for the band.

Chris walks out of the bedroom with all of his bags, ready to go.

Cory stands, "You have everything?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Cory nods, then hugs him as tightly as she could. He hugged her back, not wanting to het her go. Wednesday looks up at them and yips, wanting their attention.

They break the embrace and laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you too." Chris says, kneeling down and petting the small dog, "You be good for your new mommy, alright?"

Cory smiled and laughed as Chris stood back up. There's suddenly the honk of a horn outside.

"Oh. They're here." Chris says.

Cory nods, "Tell everyone I say 'hi'."

Chris nods in return, "I will."

There's a small pause, then Chris wraps his arms around Cory and brings her to him before kissing her passionately. Cory wrapped her arms around Chris' neck and kissed him back, standing on her tip toes. They each memorized the movement of eachother's lips, the feel of their embrace, the way they tasted...

They come apart and just sort of...stare at each other a moment.

"I'll call you." Chris says.

Cory nods. "Have fun. Be safe." She says, "And good luck."

Chris smiles and nods, then grabs his things. He gives Cory one last glance, and smiles.

"You're going straight to the book case the minute I walk out, aren't you?"

Cory snorts, "Psht, whaaaat? No..."

Chris rolls his eyes and smiles, "Have fun." He sings before walking out. Cory and Wednesday were now alone.

Cory lets out a loud exhale and runs straight to the 'book shelf' full of unorganized video games, movies, and CDs.


"Sooo she's like, living with you now?" Ryan asks.

"I guess so." Chris says.

"And how long have you two been together? Like together together?"

"Um...eight days? Maybe two weeks? I'm still not sure if when I told the medics at the fire that I was her boyfriend is when I actually became her boyfriend."

"And you had her like, unpack her things at your house and said she could stay." Ricky states.

"Preeeetty much."

"And you thought this was smart?" Ghost asks.

"Alright, look. At my age, is having a girlfriend that's still in high school stupid? Very. But does it feel good? Hell fuckin' yeah it does. Was having her move in with me this soon a dumb choice? Probably. But was it the right thing to do? Yes! She didn't have anywhere else to go except for maybe with Mandy. And it absofuckinglutely feels good to know that Cory Stanley is gonna be the first face apart from you fuckers that I'm gonna see when I get home. Yes, it's stupid, and rushed, and not very well planned or thought out, but I still do think it could work." Chris says, confidently.

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