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Title: Just an Ice Prince and His Warm New Home

Suggested by: K-pop_Stan2009

Genre: slight angst with fluff ending

Trop: Hybrid x hunter au

3rd person's POV

Yangyang was cleaning his house when he heard a knock on the door

He quickly tucked away his ears and tales retracted his scales

He had learned to play like a human, although it was very rare a human came up to the top of his snowy mountain he hoped if he made it snow enough the would stay away

That's right Yangyang was not human, while not fully he was a snow dragon hybrid

He missed it. Learning how to make snow with all the other kids, making it snow in the palace to have a snowball fight with his sister, family dinners, his sister and him ranting about how they hated royal classes wishing they could be like the other kids, arguing about who should taking the throne first (back when there was a throne)

But it was all gone because of hunters

He hated them with ever cell in his body, they murdered every single one of them, distorting every last part of his village to sell their rare scales

He still remembers his mother is words as she told him to run and hind

It's been five years since that day, the day he swore he would never trust a human again

He opened the door and found someone limping his leg injured, he looked pained

As much as he hated human but he also hated people pain

"Come in, how'd you get hurt"

"And arrow shot me in the leg"

Yangyang led the stranger to his couch he got his first aid kit, tending and stitching the wound like he did his own back then

After helping him, he gave him water

"Drink this, once you can walk again you'll leave"

"I'm not here to hurt you, I saw the house and came here"

"Fine there is a guest room you may stay there till your leg is healed I'll be watching you may stay no longer than that"

"Thank you"


Yangyang knocked on the guest room door only to hear shifting and the door open

"Hello, thank you again. What would you like to share me?"

"You need take a shower, I've set clothes for you. I also left food in the kitchen, the bathroom is the first door down the hallway to the right and the kitchen is across from the living room"

"You're doing so much for me, I'll never be able to repay me"

"You're injured, I'd be a cursed soul to leave you out in the snow I have a feeling there will be a snowstorm tonight"

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