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Title: Renjun vs. the Struggles of Loving a Vampire

Genre: fluff (with suggestive dialogue)

Trop: vampire au

Summary: Don't get him wrong, Renjun loved Yangyang. However it didn't mean dating a vampire was easy.
3rd person's POV

1. Vampires are so fucking beautiful, they make you feel like you can't compare.

Day 1

The first time Renjun saw Yangyang he literally stopped functioning. No matter how much he tried to claim Chenle was lying. He was very much telling the truth.

Chenle spent weeks clowning Renjun due to the fact when he saw Yangyang he froze in his place, stopping mid-sentence, and dropped his water bottle when Yangyang smiled his way.

Day 5

Nonetheless it was later proven right when the went to the school basketball game, and his friends could practically see Renjun ready to throw himself at the other.

"Renjun no, you're not gonna simp over Liu Yangyang. 1. He is way too rich, 2. He is a vampire, 3. Combine the two he is basically vampire royalty. Plus his fan club would eat you alive."

Jaemin was stating this as they were walking out of the gym, around the same time Yangyang came up to them.

"Hey, Renjun? Right?"

"Yes, Renjun. You're Yangyang?"

"Yeah, would y'all mind if I just steal Renjun for a minute."

Haechan was the first one to speak up shoving Renjun towards him.

"Sure just don't eat him alive, I need him to get the Chem homework!"

Yangyang let out a light laugh as he caught Renjun who was being shoved towards him.

"I can promise you I won't eat him alive, but I can't promise you I was ravish his body in other ways."

Renjun blushed bright red as Yangyang dragged him away, and Jaemin screamed 'use protection or else'.

"Liu Yangyang where the fuck are you taking me?"

"Somewhere I can ask you out without your friends following us, but I guess that's not possible. Renjun wanna go on a date with me Friday?"

"Like a romantic date?"



"Because you're really fucking cute and funny, and I may have developed a crush on you and stalked you for like a week trying to figure out when to ask you out in a totally not meant to be creepy way."

"Then I'll go on a date with you, but you have to stop stalking me. Even if it's in the totally not meant to be creepy way."

"Okay I will."

2. Once you date a vampire, suddenly all vampires know you.

Day 147

Renjun was walking quietly in halls when Kun waved at him.

"Hi Renjun."

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