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Title: The Day We Find A Ghost

Genre: fluff

Trop: ghost hunting/youtubers au

Summary: "Liu Yangyang the day we actually find a ghost on one of our missions will be the day I agree to go on a date with you"
3rd person's POV

Renjun and Yangyang were best friends, they also ran a YouTube channel together were they went to different "hunted" areas to prove if there are ghosts/demons or not

All of the places they visited so far have been a disappointment as there were no ghosts or demons but they still explored and made videos since they had over a million followers who actually liked their sense of humor on the missions

Right now Renjun and Yangyang were planning out were they would go next

"Renjun, would you ever go on a date with me? Like a romantic date"

Renjun thought about it for a moment, he has had some sort of slight crush on his best friend at some point (who hasn't)

"When we one of our missions succeeds"

"Renjun I'm serious"

"And so am I, Liu Yangyang the day we actually find a ghost on one of our missions will be the day I agree to go on a date with you"

"Fine then let's go hunting, this week to the Sallie House. It says that she died on an operation of table thinking the doctor was torturing her so she hunted her house"

"Okay, but don't look to happy who knows if it's actually hunted"

So they got to work on looking up and googling the place getting as much information as they could

Once they got enough information they rented a camper van to drive there since it was a destination further away but they weren't gonna buy plane tickets any time soon

They were vloging the whole trip

"Be prepared to go on a date with me Huang"

"Don't get to confident now, it's not good for your personality"

"I have a ghosting feeling about this one"

When they walked into the house they did a few ghost tests, and their surprise they all succeeded

When they got in the van Yangyang looked at Renjun

"What was it you said about a week ago, oh ya the day we find a ghost is the day you go on a date with me. I saw a really nice restaurant on our way here what do you think?"

It wasn't as bad as Renjun thought it would be, it wasn't bad at all actually. It was enjoyable and he liked the feeling he got around Yangyang

So it became a habit, they would go ghost hunting, they would or wouldn't find a ghost, and then they'd go on a date afterwards

This kept on going till the fifth date to which Yangyang finally asked Renjun if they could be considered boyfriends, and Renjun obviously agreed

~The End~

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