Chapter 3

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Bokuto began heading out of his door. He grabbed his suitcase and said goodbye to his pet owl, who looked quite sad as Bokuto left but his neighbor was gonna check on Takai (name of Bokuto's owl) so it wasn't all bad. Bokuto was really happy. Thanks to Akaashi he was going to ask Kuroo out on this team vacation. Bokuto couldn't stop smiling. It was very hard for him to contain his happiness, but people always said he had a great smile so he didn't care much.

Now, Kuroo was heading out with Kenma. They were heading to the docks and then to the ship. The team vacation was on a cruise and it was filled with many activities to strengthen teams. Kuroo looked behind him and saw Bokuto and Akaashi, though he mostly noticed Bokuto in his Hawaiian outfit. It was very colorful. His shirt had a red color with pink, flower-like patterns. To top it off Bokuto was wearing sunglasses and a hat to match with his beautiful, wide smile.

"Hey guys, whatcha doing!" Bokuto shouted with enthusiasm. Kenma put on his headphones and brought out his game as if he couldn't handle Bokuto's energy today.

"Oh nothing just waiting in line to board the ship," Kuroo answered.

"Do you know how many activities there are! There are so many!" Bokuto said. He pulled out his pamphlet of the ship and began reading off of it. "There is ping pong, swimming, VOLLEYBALL!, a tennis court, origami, somehow they managed to fit in a basketball court on this, and the rooms are also pretty nice." Bokuto was pretty much making a whole list in his head noting which activity to do first, when and where and who to do it with. He couldn't expect Akaashi to do so many activities with him, so he leaned his head up and gave Kuroo the puppy dog eyes. "Hey, hey, hey, Kuroo wanna do some of these together?" Bokuto asked politely.

"How could I say no?" Kuroo replied.

"Exactly you can't," Bokuto snickered. After 45, agonizing minutes of waiting in line they all made it on the boat with each other and their teammates. The boat was insanely gigantic. They were so high up in the air which indicated so many floors in the boat. The first thing Kenma noticed was the arcade and Akaashi noticed the boiled rapeseed plants as it was his favorite food. This left Kuroo and Bokuto all alone together.

"So what do you want to do first?" Kuroo asked.

"Um, well, I-uhhhh," Bokuto stuttered. He had no idea what to say he froze. "Ummm...uhhh" he didn't know what to say he was at a loss for words. This dating logic was new for him and he was wondering if this was even a date now. It'd be awkward to ask him out on a date when they were already all alone in a palace like this it would seem like a date to anyone else. "Umm...hey so do you want to go out..." Bokuto gulped, "together?" Kuroo laughed and then grew a big smile.

"Oh this is just too funny!" Kuroo exclaimed with his hand holding his neck.

"What's so funny!" Bokuto questioned. Kuroo's remark made him really nervous. "Funny?" What was funny? Was it funny that he thought Kuroo was into him or that Bokuto thought he could land someone as good-looking as Kuroo. This kept Bokuto in suspense for a few seconds but they were still hard to bear.

"Oh, don't worry. It's just funny that you asked me because I was thinking about asking you," Kuroo said, relieving Bokuto. "Yes, of course Bokuto". Bokuto grinned.

"Yeah let's go" he said while grabbing Kuroo's hand directing him toward the disco. 

Hey guys! I just looked at my story to find out it was ranked number 14 out of 26! THIS IS CRAZY! It's so surprising since I only have a few readers, but I guess it's ranked some other way and this is my first story I'm so happy! Anyway, thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed this part! Chapter 4 coming in a few days :)

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