Chapter 6

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          So sorry I haven't added to this in a while and that this chapter is short. I'm working on ideas for other readers, even though I'm not even done with this one yet heh. I've also been working on another story. I will try to add more frequently and I linked the song of their dance above if you want to listen. 

The rest of the vacation Bokuto and Kuroo pretty much avoided each other; too afraid to confront what happened. Things were tense and awkward between them. There was one last night of the vacation. A special event was going to be held at 8:00; a dance. All the members of the teams were strongly encouraged to participate. Find a partner and dance with them, simple, yet so nerve-racking. Bokuto was going to go there, hoping to find Kuroo in the center all alone. The perfect thing to break the tensions would be for one of them to ask the other to dance.

Although, when he went there Kuroo was talking to someone, a different guy. Just like that it was over? A stabbing pain was coming from Bokuto's stomach. Could it end that fast? It can't be, he asked himself. His stomach just felt empty now and his heart began beating quickly. Sweat droplets gliding down across his skin and his eyes looking dead. His smile was completely the opposite. Bokuto's passion nearly faded, seeing Kuroo like that, so happy with someone other than him, struck his heart like an arrow. "It's not fair, I found love, I found someone who loves me back. Didn't I?" Bokuto said to himself out loud. Kuroo noticed Bokuto from a distance, standing there on his knees with a tear falling down his cheek.

"Hey what's wrong?" Kuroo answered. He walked over to Bokuto and helped him get up. More tears just shed, Kuroo wasn't helping. He was just a reminder of what could've been but hadn't been to Bokuto. "Hey, Bokuto..." He turned his head and looked up to Kuroo. "Do you wanna dance with me?" Kuroo asked. It was in a heartbeat, that everything changed. Was it a miracle? No, it felt like something different to Bokuto. Maybe...destiny. Everything felt different in a sudden breath, in a sudden few words, in a sudden sentence, in a sudden question. "Yeah, I'd love to," Bokuto answered. Kuroo grabbed his hand with his polyester, black gloves. Such a gentle touch, gentle as sunlight, warm like it too. A sad song started to play. "A Thousand Years...I love this song!" Kuroo exclaimed.

Bokuto, still confused, looked up to the light above him. The light shining on his sad, tearful face. "Now, don't cry Bokuto, I'm here." The tears stopped over those few and silent words. That's why Bokuto loved Kuroo, his ability to make Bokuto happy within such little time and just a few words. The music soon started to guide their movements. Every note was a swirl or twist and every word was a new dance. It was so blissful. The two were so happy. No thoughts except each other, the whole world completely shut out, they could only see each other. It only felt like time had stopped, no more like it slowed down. The two would be totally fine if this was the rest of their life, comforted by one another, dancing slow. Sadly, life just isn't that simple, it just isn't. 

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