Chapter One- Bond

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I woke up with my wolf extremely excited.

'What are you so happy about?'

'Today's the day Mattie.'

I furrowed my brows.

'For what?'

He didn't repsond, which made a little irritated. I sighed and got up, making my bed and throwing on whatever clean clothes I had laying around.

As I brushed my teeth, he finally decided to answer.

'We're going to find our mate.'

I froze, with the toothbrush hanging out of my mouth.

'Are you pulling my tail?'

I felt him roll his eyes.

'Yes Mathias. I'm pulling your tail right now. No you idiot!'

'Are you sure?' I asked hesitantly. Did I believe in love? Absolutely not. Mates and mate bonds? Yes.

'YES. Jeez you're slow. Are you sure you weren't dropped on your head as a pup?'

'Shut up.' I repsonded, slightly embarassed.

'Thought so.' He said smugly.

As I walked to the pack kitchen, an intoxicating smell of mint and chocolate filled the air.

'MATE. MATE. MATE.' He practically screamed in my head. I growled.

'Could you be any fucking louder? I smell her too.' I growled.

'Just sayin.'"

I turned around and was met with the brown and blue eyes of Aria Blackwood, our Alpha.

"So you're my mate?" She asked, although it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Yeah." I responded awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"What's your name?"

"Mathias, Mathias Baldwin." I said in a lame attempt to sound cool. To my surprise, she laughed.

"I like you Mathias Baldwin. You're different." Aria said to me.

"I like you too Aria Blackwood."

She gave me a heart warming smile.

She's a lot different than other females. I thought with a small smile.

"Are you coming to the inducting ceremony tonight?" Aria asked as she grabbed an apple.

"I wasn't planning on it. I don't really have a ton of friends. I'm kind of an outcast."

She frowned. "You're coming, whether you want to or not."

I shrugged. "Alright. Is it for a new Beta? If I may ask."

Aria nodded, which made her blonde curls bounce slightly. I nearly swooned.

'I sound like a teenage girl.'

'Yes. Yes you do.'

'I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.'

'Shut up you pansy.'

'My point exact.'

"So I'll see you tonight?" She asked me hopefully.

I bit my lip before deciding what to say.



Just a little something different I'm trying out. I decided that Evan Peters would play Mathias.

Happy reading!

- Tasha

She's My Mate- Standstill (Writer's block)Where stories live. Discover now