Chapter Two- Ceremony

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The clock on my nightstand blared the alarm I set so I wouldn't forget the ceremony. I almost made plans with Charles but my wolf reminded me not to.

'You better look nice for her.' He demanded as I stood up.

'It's not about her though.' I retorted.

'Do you really want to look like a fucking slob in front of our mate?'

I sighed, knowing that he won this time.

'Damn right I won.'

'You are the most intrusive wolf there is.' I said, looking through my wardrobe.

'It's not called being intrusive. It's called not forgetting shit that shouldn't be forgotten.'

I rolled my eyes and choose a black suit that I would probably suffocate, but it was worth it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my father.

'He was the monster. Not you.' I firmly told myself. For once, my wolf had nothing to say, and I was glad.

'You know you should really style your hair.'



I could easily see Aria over the crowd, looking radiant and happy in a little black dress. Gob damn it nearly turned my knees to jelly.

She seemed to be looking for someone, but as soon as she layed those beautiful two coloured eyes on me, she immediately started searching me out.

"You came." Aria said, almost relieved. "The ceremony is about to start and since you're my mate, you get to sit with me."

Before I could protest, her small hand grabbed mine and started pulling me with her. Other members shot cold glares and some even flipped us off. Aria's response was the bird or returning the glare, which made me want to hide.

We came upon a small area with about 10 chairs. Only two were open, which for us.

James, the old Alpha and Aria's father, sat intimidatingly on the one nearest us. He wasn't very old, as he was only 18 when he had Aria. Next to him was Lia, his mate. She was a sweet person, and treated everyone like they were her own pups. On the other side of James was Xavier, the beta that's no longer going to be the beta. He's slightly less intimidating, more approachable and Aria's younger brother. Alex sat next to Lia. Alex is the up and coming beta that'll be the new beta.

I did my research.

'That sounds really stalkerish to the readers Mathias.'

'They need to know whose who so they're not confused as shit.'

'Good point.'

James was glaring at me like I was a piece of gum that stuck to the bottom of his shoe.
Such a welcoming stance.

Sensing her father's disapproval towards a me, she took the seat next to him. That meant I had to be next to Alex.

He's in my Chemistry class and I can tell you one thing. He's deadly, and I mean deadly smart.

I timidly sat next to him and felt Aria give me an encouraging squeeze.

"So you're her mate?" Alex asked me, catching me by surprise.

"Uh yeah. And you're going to be the new beta right?" I replied very awkwardly.

He nodded.

An uncomfortable silence washed over us, but didn't last for long when Aria got up.

"I've got to start the ceremony. I'll be back." She said, more towards me than anyone.

I nodded and watched her go up.

'That ass.' I thought.

'Don't be a horny bastard.'

I rolled my eyes.

'So I'm not allowed to look at my mate's butt. Because that'd be weird right?' I asked annoyed.

He stayed silent which I thanked.

I turned my attention back to her.

"Welcome everyone! As you know, we're having an induction ceremony for a new Beta." She said as the crowd went wild. She paused. "Alexander, come on up."

He stood up and made his way to the stage confidently.

Aria took a small knife out of a red pouch and handed it to him. He proceeded to take it and engrave the Beta symbol on his forearm. It bled for a few seconds and healed to form a scar of it.

As soon as he was finished, the crowd roared again, and he left.

"There's also one other thing I'd like to announce." She said with a small smile.

"You're pregnant?" Someone shouted from the crowd.

A deep blush made its way onto her face.

"No. I found my mate." She paused again, and turned towards where I was. "And he's sitting right there." Aria pointed to me.


I don't know if guys look at asses bc I'm not a guy and I don't know much about how the male mind works. Forgive me for any parts that are weird. I'm trying different povs.

Happy reading!

- Tasha

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