A Simple Wish

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Boredom is boring.

Well yeah, thats why it's called boredom.

Shut up brain!

You're still thinking to yourself.


"I'm sorry, is there something you'd like to share with the class Miss Michaels?"

Crap that was out loud.

"Uh, no Ms Killington."

"Then kindly stop disrupting my class."

"Yes Ms Killington."



I felt as though this class had been going on forever. I hate math. I mean, I get how it's supposed to be useful but its so boring. There's no place for fantasy in math. No variables that might make it interesting. Science at least has experiments. The only cool thing about math is when they made you use smarties in primary school to count and then you'd get to eat them at the end. Year 12 has nothing like that. It's all textbooks and... well, math.

The bell for lunch could not have come sooner. I practically sprinted to the library. My book was due to come in today and I could not wait to read it.

Oh!! Right, I should probably introduce myself. Kessie Michaels, 17 at your service. But anyway back to the book.

Reading isn't usually top of my things to do list, but every now and then I find a really good fantasy novel, the one I'm after right now is one of them. I would usually watch a fantasy movie but if there's a book for it, then as a fantasy fan I must read it first. The book's title was 'The Labyrinth' and I'd heard about it on one of the many fantasy genre fansites I am always on. It had a small preview of the book but I wanted more. I reached the Library, got out my book and, as it was the end of the day began the short journey home. As excited as I was to read it, I knew that waiting a short while to get home and get a cup of tea and my favorite blanket would be worth it.

So I did just that. I have no family by the way. I'm an orphan that had to be kicked out of the orphanage because I was getting too old and disruptive. Hey, it's not my fault all the kids used to make me break stuff!! But anyway, poor me right, well not really. I have a weekend job that pays pretty well, not to mention I get payouts for being underage, living alone and working, so I get by alright.

After I was settled happily on the couch, I began the book, entranced by the Goblin King and his Labyrinth. It only took me an hour or so to read and when I had finished, I held it to my chest in glee and sadness. I felt happy for Sarah, but sorry for the Goblin King. I mean, although that was certainly not the way to go about it, Jareth was only looking for someone or something other than the goblins he commanded to love him. It was quite tragic. I laughed to myself bitterly.

If only I had someone to love me.

An idea popped into my head, a silly one but most of my ideas are.

"I..." Should I? What if it works... In the book, Sarah was transported with whatever she had on her at the time so I grabbed a backpack and filled it with a change of clothes and a whole bunch of food plus a few spray deodorants just incase it worked and I had to go near the Bog of Eternal Stench.

Breath Kessie, breath.

"I... I wish that..." Come on. "I wish that the Goblin King would take me away to live with him in his castle so neither of us would be alone anymore." I opened my tightly shut eyes to... nothing. Nothing had changed. I sighed and sat down on the couch, backpack still on and book held in hand, and it was like that, that I fell asleep that night.

My Maze - Labyrinth Fanfiction (Jareth x OC)Where stories live. Discover now