Part 6

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It's 2021, we've been dating for a year and I love you more than anything but while everyone's trying to go back to normal and find ways to make life better again, I'm not allowed to see you anymore cause you're part of everyone and I'm not allowed to be until its too late. I know you don't want this and I don't either but we can't do anything about it and I cant tell you have scared it makes me, what's gonna happen when you get lonely or bored and you wanna find a girlfriend better than me. I mean we only got to see each other once a week in the first place and my mom has 8 billion rules when we're together, it makes sense if you want someone else I'm nothing if replaceable. But I don't want that and I surely hope you don't want to leave me cause you mean everything to me and made this miserable life I'm living so much fucking better and I will never be able to thank you enough for that so, if you do decide to leave cause its too hard not seeing me then please just know you will always have a piece of my heart and I will never forget everything you did for me. 

I Love You So Much Bradley ❤

(yes I know the song at the top is about a couple that broke up but hey let me be sad, okay. I can't see my boyfriend for 2 months and he lives 10 minutes from my house!!!!!!) 

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