~We Ship It~

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for posting two months later, but I procrastinate too much :(.  I will try to get back on schedule with updating, it's just been so busy with going back to school in person, having sports start up again, hanging out with friends, and just getting out of the house. Anyway I hope you enjoy and I'm going to try to make this chapter pretty long! Also happy birthday Bakugo :).


Hotel room layout:

Hotel room layout:

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Katsuki POV:

I woke up to a constant stream of pings coming from my phone on the kitchen counter. I groaned, trying to get up to go grab it but Izu was clinging to me too tightly. 

"Babe can you get off of me please?" I asked, while patting his poofy green hair. All I got in response was a groan, and then I got pulled tighter into his grasp. He burrowed his head into my chest more and also rapped his feet around my waist more firmly. 

Well I guess I'm not getting out of this any time soon unless...

I stood up, Izu was still clinging to me, half asleep, but now he was also whining about the cold. So I just pulled a blanket around him and went to look at why my phone was blowing up. 

When I got over there I flipped it over and turned it on, and I was met with a billion missed calls and text messages from my classmates. 

I sighed.

I guess they still wanted to learn about how Izuku and I knew each other. It's not even worth it to read those messages, they are all just going to be asking about how we met and other shitty questions. Even though we told them all of this yesterday.

I mean we could go visit them and finally get them off of our backs or we could just ignore it. I'll leave this up for Izu to decide, but I need to wait for my baby to wake up first. 

~time skip~

I was back in bed with my darling sleeping on my lap, while I was playing with his hair. I had turned my phone on do not disturb earlier, before heading back to bed with Izu to try to sleep again. The moment I had laid on the bed though Izu sprawled even more on top of me. Making it impossible to get comfortable or to fall asleep. I did get to play with his hair a lot though and it always astonishes me how soft and fluffy it is. Honestly if I could make it into a pillow I would in an instant and then I'd bring it everywhere with me. It would be nice though, especially when he's on tour because I would have a little bit of him with me. 

He started to shift around.

"Izu baby? Are you up hon?" I asked wondering if he was actually awake.

He stirred around some more before opening up his eyes and looking up at me from my chest.

"I'm awake now. What do you need Kat?" He asked while giving a little bit of a head tilt.

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