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Everyone was seated at their designated house tables waiting for Professor McGonagal to enter with all of the first years to sort them. They weren't waiting for very long when the Great Hall doors opened and the professor began to lead all of the awestruck children to the steps in front of the table all of the professors sat at. Practaclly all eyes were watching the children stare up at the enchanted ceiling.

The ceiling had been enchanted many years ago to reflect the sky outside. Elsa could spot Ron walking along side his new friend Harry. George and Fred were making jokes about how small all of the first years were. Elsa, who was set in between the twins, gave both of them a light smack to the backs of their heads, successfully shutting them up. 

Once the group had made it to the bottom of the steps Professor McGonagal climbed the steps and pulled out a small wooden stool and place the old Sorting Hat upon it. The seam that was its mouth ripped open and the hat began to sing a song before Mcgonagal unrolled her roll of parchment and started to read off the names on it. One by one their names were called and the hat was placed upon their head and they were sorted into their house.

There hadn't been anyone sorted into Gryffindor yet but there was a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw. A girl by the name of Hermione Granger was called up to be sorted and it didn't take long for her to be place in Gryffindor. The whole table began to clap and cheer for their new member. There was one other kid sorted into their house, his name was Nevile Longbottom. Elsa had to elbow the twins in their sides when they began to make jokes about his name. 

When Ron's name was finally called the trio was pleased when he was placed in Gryffindor and the three Weasleys left in Hogwarts began to cheer the loudest they could. Elsa cheered along side them giving Ron a proud pat on the back when he set himself next to George. Once the cheers died down Professor McGonagal read of a few more names before Draco Malfoy was called. The hat hadn't even touched his head before it shouted "Slytherin". He made his way to his table with a smug grin on his face. 

Harry's name was finally called and he had a very nervous look on his face. The whole room got very quiet, Elsa could see that the headmaster perked up upon hearing the boys name. Elsa could also see that Harry was whispering to himself or her was whispering to the hat. The Sorting Hat began to shout again. "Gryffindor!" Harry let out a breath of relief and made his was to sit next to Ron. 

The twins began to chant "We got Potter!" before Professor Dumbledore called for silence. He began to make his beginning of the year  speech.  Many of the first years at the warning of the very painful death.  Like every year the Prefect led the first years to their dorm while giving them information about the stairs. Elsa had bid the twins a good night almost as soon as they were released from dinner. She hadn't really been able to get a good nights sleep in while constantly on the road hunting monsters. The twins seemed a little worried but understood her want and need to sleep before the first day of classes.

The next morning George and Fred found Elsa sitting at the Gryffindor table barely picking at her food while she was engrossed in the book in her hands. It was a book that every third year needed. All of the third years were going to be learning more about soulmates, it was also going to be a very down played sexual education class. All third year girl were going to take the class together while the boys had the same class elsewhere. The teachers thought it to be better to not embarrassed in front of their peers and potential soulmates.

When the twin sat down Elsa set her book down and gave then their schedules that Professor McGonagal had given her when she had sat down to eat breakfast. The first soulmate class of the year was supposed to take place first thing in the morning for all third years. The girls were going to have their class outside in the courtyard with Professor Sprout while the boy were to be in the dungeons with Professor Snape. It was going to be a long agonizing hour for the boys and Elsa couldn't help but pity them. 

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