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The weeks flew by in a flash and it was almost April and Elsa was trying to plan the best birthday the twins would ever have. She had convinced some of the seventh years to help out with some of her party plans. George and Fred were also planning a party for Elsa, all of the people she got to help were also people George and Fred were asking for help. The seventh years decided that they were going to do their own party for the three and not tell anyone. They really only knew who the twins were because their older brother Charlie was in the year above them and he was very well liked.

Elsa had been almost avoiding the twins the whole week before their birthday trying to get everything ready, though the seventh years had practically taken over the whole thing. There was one seventh year that Elsa had made a good friend in, her name was Kelsi, she was a muggle born. They had been able to bond because they both didn't know who their mother was, Kelsi's had died in a tragic accident when she was only a couple of months old. With Elsa having grown up without any girls her age around it was nice to bond with someone who had some of the same interests as her.

Elsa was sitting at the Gryffindor table talking to Kelsi about some of her thoughts for the party when the twins burst through the doors, they were on the run from Filch who they had thrown a dungbomb at while he was giving attention to his cat, Mrs. Noris. They quickly spotted their mate throwing themselves into seats in front of her. "Ask questions later, but we have been with you all morning." They threw food onto their plates as quickly as they could before the stinky caretaker burst through the door, a glare set on his face as he scanned the entire Great Hall for the culprits.

George and Fred began small talk with Elsa and her friend, trying to seem as innocent as possible. If you knew the twins like Filch knew them, they were never innocent. His eyes finally landed on the two gingers and he began to storm his way towards them, a green fog of stench followed him crop dusting many students in his wake. He began to yell at the twins as soon as he got behind them. "You two! You were the ones that threw that bomb at me and my sweet Mrs. Noris! I will make you regret the day you stepped foot in this castle!" He continued to throw threats at them until Dumbledor appeared.

The headmaster was able to get Filch to stop yelling and asked him what had happened. Filch tried to explain without throwing insults at the twins. "I want these two to suffer in detention with me for months. I am going to hang them by their toes in the dungeons" There were more different types of torture that Filch began to imagine. Dumbledor had let him go off for a couple of minutes before he had to calm him down, noticing all of the students in the great hall were growing uncomfortable with some of the caretakers' methods.

"Argus, do you have any evidence that these two were the ones to throw the dungbomb at you and your cat? If you do not have any evidence then you cannot give them detention." Filch began to stutter and trip over his words. Elsa had decided to but in. "Professor if I may, George and Fred have been with me all morning and we have been here having breakfast for almost an hour." Dumbledor smiled at her. "Thank you Ms. Winchester. I believe that there will be no punishment dealt this morning. Now Argus I notice that the stench is making some of the students sick, if you could go wash off it would be much appreciated by everyone." Filch growled and stomped away muttering curses under his breath. "Please proceed with your breakfast, I'm sure that none of you will want to be late to your classes." Dumbledor gave the three of them a wink before he made his way back to his office.

Elsa glared at the twins. "What did you two do this time. You know that Filch is never one for a dull threat, if his methods of discipline were legal you two would have been beheaded by now." The twins just laughed and told her that they would tell her later before they polished off their plates and left the great hall. Elsa scoffed. "Those two are going to be the death of me one of these days." Kelsi snorted at the comment. "Well Dumbledor was right about one thing, I do not want to be late to class. I'll see you here for lunch and we can discuss some more of your ideas for the party."

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