The Patrol Team

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We head up to the elevator. We see Pauleen and she notices us.

"Oh no! Don't tell me Joe invited you two jokers along!" Pauleen screeches.

"What are you doing here, Pauleen?! Did Joe give you an invitation, too? Aw, man This is the pits. I thought we were going to chat about old times, but if Pauleen's invited, that seems unlikely. Booooo!"

"...Well?! Are we going to do this, or are you going to stand around and look depressed all day?"

We go into the elevator. With arriving at the top Joe welcomes us... but looking outside of a window. I take a closer look. Wait. Are we at cloud level?!

"Howdy, folks. Sorry to take up yer time, but I'm real tickled y'all came to see me. I'm Joe Wildwest, owner and proprietor of this here Caliosteo Fossil Park." Joe Wildwest says. Man... something about his voice is just... different.

"Now, I've been hearing about yer heroics from Terry, and I don't mind sayin' that he's a mite impressed. He told me how y'all rescued them girls from the BareBones Brigade. If it warn't for that, I mighta has to shut down the whole Caliosteo Cup! So then, it seems I owe you my thanks."

You don't owe these two nothing. I was the one who did it all.

"There's really no reason to thank me. I just did what any beautiful and talented Fighter would do." Pauleen says.

"Yeah, like stand around and do nothing..." Todd mentions.

"You stay out of this!" She snaps.

"Whoa there! Let's all just tucker down now, pardners! Now, I can tell y'all are skilled Fighters with a strong sense'a justice. And that's why I've got an offer for ya... I want y'all to join the Caliosteo Patrol Team. Them BB varmints are persistent as flies on a manure pile, and I reckon they'll strike again before too long. So I need y'all to keep yer eyes peeled for anything that looks like trouble. If ya smell anything fishy, just let either a staff leader or myself know, ya here? That's the job of the Caliosteo Patrol Team. Of course, Cat and Pauleen would continue fightin' in the Caliosteo Cup. Just consider this little side job to make life better for all the other Fighters."

"You can count on me, sir! I'll do whatever it takes to stop the BareBones Brigade!" Todd cheers.

"It sounds like fun! ...Plus, you'll need someone as beautiful and talented as me if you hope to succeed."

"Well, shucks, you two. Yer makin' me happy as a pig in slop. So how 'bout you, Cat? Can I convince ya to join the Caliosteo Patrol Team?" Joe asks.


"I knew you'd say yes! Besides, this is our chance to pay Joe back for saving our lives two years ago!" Todd says. Oh yeah! I forgot about that!!!

"...Pay me back? What'n the heck are you talkin' about, small fry?" What?!?!?!?! He doesn't remember us?!

"Don't you remember, Joe? Two years ago you came along and saved us from a rogue Allosaurus! ...Don't tell me you've forgotten us!"

"Sorry, pardner, but I don't remember anything like that."

Something is wrong.

"No, it''s okay..." Todd lowers his head.

"Right then! I hereby declare the Caliosteo Patrol Team open for business! I'm expecting some great things from the three of you, so don't let me down, y'hear?!"

//Cole's POV//

"I have a bone to pick with you, my dear Cole..." Don Boneyard announces. "Our brilliant kidnapping scheme has been foiled by a pair of children. One of these children even defeated you in combat, despite my giving you a team of powerful boneysaurs. I am disappointed in you, Cole. VERY disappointed."

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