A Familiar Face?

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"We're here." I say with Teffla at my tail.

"Wait, digadig! Don't forget us!!!" Pauleen yells.

"Right. Let's get going. It's time to capture Don Boneyard and put him out of commission for good!" Rupert calls and we all fly to the island.


"So this is the BareBonesBrigade's secret lair, eh?" Rupert asks.

"Nice skull, digadig. Maybe be a bit more obvious next time."

Two men come out. "Aw, nuts! It's a raid! Them Fighters is here!"

Can someone PLEASE help his grammar!

"E-emergency! Call the guard! Call the commanders! Call Don Boneyard!!!"

"Let's try to finish off these fools before Joe and his crew arrive. Move out!" Rupert and Pauleen run off.

And OOOOOF course Todd would get a stomach ache right at this time.

"Oooooh.... Oh, my stomach! Why did I go to that all-you-can-eat chili-dog buffet? Oooooh. G-go on without me. I just... need to rest for a minute."

"Bro! You and your stupid eating habits!"

"I'm not s-scared! I'm not! I just... My stomach is killing me! Ooooooooooooh..."

"Will you shut up if I go away?" I walk off making him look guilty.

I head inside seeing Rupert and Pauleen batting other people.

I see Lola at the top of a staircase.

"Oh, wooooow. You're back. You're not, like, following me or something, are you? Or maybe you're just persistent. I had an aunt like that once. She was wiiiild, man. Soooo, like, you know we're even from that whole Bonehemoth thing, riiiiiiight? Which means I'm toooootally gonna thump you good, you dig?"

She has a B-Rex, a B-Jara and a B-Brachio.

I always start with a Nycto Star. I use it on B-Jara.

B-Barchio uses Boney Stomp.

I use Teffla Scale on B-Brachio.

Boney Beguile from B-Jara and Boney Stomp on Teffla.

Nycto star on B-Jara defeating it.

Skeletal Assault on Teffla.

Royal Strike on B-Rex. It's down. One more.

Boney Crush on Nycto.

Nycto Somersault on B-Brachio winning the battle.

"You are some kind of groooooovy Fighter, you know that? I, like, can't beat you anymore. It's craaaaaazy. Soooo, I'm gonna make like Cole's pants and split. ...Bye." She walks off. I head up to the hallway outside Don Boneyard's room. I see Lester.

"You're like a bad opening act: you stay too long, and no one really wants to see you! Still, I knew you'd be the one to break into our base. You're just metal like that. Well, too bad for you. This is my chance to settle the score! There's only room for one lead in this band, and it's gonna be me!"

Lester has two B-Brachios and a B-Tricera.

Once again... Nycto Star on B-Tricera. It's gone.

Boney Stomp on Nycto, and Boney Tsunami on Nycto.

Royal Strike on the front B-Brachio.

Boney Stomps on Nycto and Mapo.

I save up.

A Boney Stomp on Nycto.

Nycto Wave on a B-Brachio giving her 143 LP back.

Boney Stomp on Mapo.

Royal Buster on the front B-Brachio.

Boney Tsunami on Teffla. It misses.

Nycto Star on the back B-Brachio. One left.

Boney Tsunami on Nycto one last time because...

Nycto Somersault!!!

"Gahar har! Man, you shredded me like a bad riff. Go on. You wanna take on Don Boneyard? It's your funeral." Lester walks off leaving Teffla and me slinking up to the last door.

"Bwa ha ha ha! You have done well to make it to my inner sanctum. But playtime is over. Let's see if you have the guts to beat me!"

(Now for my favorite theme in the entire game...! Psych!!!)

"...Wait. Do I know you? ...Never mind! I'll have time to bone up on such things later. Until the Caliosteo Cup is canceled, I will not allow myself to be defeated! Behold the terrifying boneysaurs of Don Boneyard!!!"

(Now the theme)

Don has a B-Brachio a B-Rex and... a B-Ptera? Hmm... I think I know why Teffla trusts him... Nah! That'd be to stupid.

Nycto Star on B-Ptera.

He saves up.

I do the same.

Skeletal Assault on Teffla.

Nycto Star on B-Ptera and Royal Buster on B-Rex taking them both out.

Boney Tsunami on Nycto.

I save up.

Boney Crush on Mapo.

Save up.

Boney Tsunami on Mapo.

Teffla Soar on B-Brachio, and Nycto Somersault taking it out.

That was faster than Lester's battle. 'Cause I know what I'm doing.

"M-my boneysaurs were defeated? But it would take a Fighter of such unbelievable skill to... Oh. Oh ho ho! Yes, I knew I had met you before... You are Cat. Of course. It really is you isn't it, Cat?" Don asks.

Teffla purrs.

"I had no idea you were in the Cup. You must listen to me, Cat. The Caliosteo Cup cannot be allowed to continue! Do not trust anything the present Joe Wildwest says."

Teffla roars in agreement at this.

"Because he is-"

"Are you all right, Cat?!" Rupert yells.

"Joe's here, digadig!" I hear Pauleen say.

"We will meet again, Cat!" Don disappears.

"...Where is Don Boneyard?" Rupert asks.

I tell them.

"He got away! Aw, digadig it all!"

"I wouldn't worry yer pretty little head 'bout that, now. Thanks to y'all, we captured the three commanders and all their BareBones lackeys. Without them, ol' Don Boneyard can't do much more'n stamp his feet and twiddle his thumbs. Now we can hold the final like we always wanted! I can't wait to see which'a you two emerges as the champ."

"He's right, digadig! The BareBones Brigade is finished! It's the ultimate victory for the Caliosteo Patrol Team!" Pauleen runs after Joe.

"And I'm afraid this is where our era of cooperation ends, Cat. The next time we meet, it will be as rivals in the Fossil Stadium." He rushed off switching his place with Todd.

"You're awesome, Cat! You pretty much took out the entire BB Brigade by yourself! Hey, what's wrong? Try to look happy, all right?!"

"But... he knew me. And it looks like he knew Teffla."

"...Huh? Don Boneyard knew who you were? Aw, I wouldn't worry about it. You're in the final, you know? You're pretty famous already. Now come on! You gotta get ready for the final!" We rush off together to the final match.

But I won't stop thinking about Don Boneyard and how he knew me.

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