Table of Contents

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1. Day 8 - Family Life/ Parenthood - "The Right Way to Parent: A Guide by SakuAtsu" 6.9k

(1.)Always be ready for the smell.

(2.)Don't take your eyes off of them for one second.

(3.)Learn what fashion is beforehand.

(4.) Never tease them with banana pudding. They'll always want it more.

(5.) Never, ever, feed them tofu.

Or how Osamu and Suna left their daughter with Atsumu and Sakusa for a week, and had a glimpse into what being parents is all about.

2. Day 9 - Alternate Careers - "cut the tension and let's date" 15k

"What the hell is this?" Sakusa snapped as the man held out his hand to him. "Where's Miya-"

"He retired a month ago, and left it to me to take over. I'm his son, Atsumu, it's nice to meet ya." He kept his hand out to Sakusa with a mischievous grin, and he made no move to shake it. So this was his son. He'd heard countless stories of the man's twin sons, and especially about one named Atsumu.


Sakusa arrives to meet his usual barber only to find his son, Atsumu, instead. Although he vows to never step foot in that place, much less see that man again, for one reason or another, he keeps coming back to him.

3. Day 10 - Free Day - "give me a break" 4.7k

It was someone he never thought would step foot in a place like this. That would ever even think about spending his time here. And yet here he was. Sakusa Kiyoomi was carrying a large duffel bag and set it right on the spot next to his camp site.


After getting some extra time on the weekend off, Atsumu decides to go camping and is excited to spend some time alone. That is until someone sets up right next to him, which is none other than Sakusa Kiyoomi, the teammate he can't stop fighting with and wanting.

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