The Right Way to Parent: A Guide by SakuAtsu

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Atsumu and Sakusa were on their way to Osamu and Suna's house, after getting some time off from their last week of practice. They were expecting another relaxing Saturday filled with delicious food that Osamu would make for them as they caught up. However, even before they opened the door they could hear their niece wailing at the top of her lungs and debated turning around and leaving, but somehow as if Osamu could sense their presence, he threw open the door. "You weren't about to just turn around and leave, were ya?"

Atsumu hesitated with a forced laugh. "Nah, nah, just wanted to admire the uh.." he forgot that they gardened in the back, not the front, and nothing but grass was here. "..the grass."

Osamu let out a long sigh as he rubbed his temple. "I really don't have the time to waste on yer dumb ass. Get inside." He immediately pulled Atsumu and Sakusa inside and they flinched as the wailing increased an octave. Misumi had gotten over her crying stage a couple months ago so this was unusual.

"Shit, Samu, what kind of torture are ya puttin her through?" Atsumu snapped as they walked into the living room to see Suna standing in the middle of the room, bouncing his daughter up and down as she shrieked. "Ahh, I should've known Sunarin was the cause of this. I always told ya that ya made a mistake marrying him."

"Shut the fuck up, Atsumu." Suna snapped venomously, before turning back to his daughter with a dopey expression. "Yes, you're right, Misu, Atsumu should just leave and never come back."

"Oi!!" Atsumu shouted as he stalked over to Suna, but Sakusa caught his waist and pulled him back against his chest. "Sunarin I swear-"

"Tsumu, Rin, enough." Osamu demanded in a low voice, shutting the other two up. Atsumu glanced worriedly at his brother in the kitchen next to them, to notice the large, dark circles under his eyes and his hair in disarray as if he'd been pulling at it all day. "Sorry, Tsumu and Kiyoomi, now's not the best time. Ya know that trip all the way in Miyagi I had planned to meet with some new partnerships for the restaurant?" Atsumu and Sakusa both nodded. "Well, it turns out the person we hired to watch over Misumi bailed out at the last second. I've been tryin to call everyone I know and they're all saying they're too busy or the notice was too sudden for them to take time off. I didn't want to bring her because she'd have to stay in the hotel while I'm meeting with them. Which means then Rin would be stuck in the hotel with her. And this was supposed to be a nice vacation for just the two of us-"

"Samu, it's fine. Misumi and I can stay here." Suna interrupted with a calm expression as his daughter began to quiet down, hiccupping every now and then. "We'll go on a trip another time. The restaurant is the main focus."

Osamu's face fell as he launched against the kitchen counter. "But Rin-"

"Why don't we take care of her?" Atsumu blurted out. He hated to see Osamu like this, and knew that they both loved their daughter to death, but every couple wants some time alone every now and then. "We have a couple weeks off from practice since we're off season."

Sakusa squeezed Atsumu's waist and shot him an irritated look as if to say he'd rather do anything but that. Atsumu didn't blame him, it's not like he wanted to either, but Osamu needed it.

"Pffftt you two ??" Osamu chuckled as he exchanged a look with Suna, who was also grinning. "You think we'd leave our daughter with you? And Kiyoomi?"

Sakusa and Atsumu both whipped their heads in his direction, scowls set on both of their faces. "Excuse me?"

"Please, Tsumu, ya know this ain't the time for jokes."

"I'm not joking!" Atsumu scoffed as Sakusa let go of his waist and they both straightened. "I'm being serious. We can take care of her."

Osamu and Suna both glanced at each other before bursting out in laughter. Atsumu clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth and saw Sakusa's eye twitching. "You...take care of a baby. Yeah, I don't think so."

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