give me a break

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"Okay that's all for today. I know you're all excited to leave for the time off. Does anyone have any plans?"

Atsumu didn't even bother listening to his coach or any of his other teammates' answers. He strode straight for the locker room for an insanely quick shower, grabbed his things, and sprinted to the parking lot where the truck he rented for the weekend sat. He threw his bag into the trunk, checking over all of his supplies, before starting it. He was about to head right over to Osamu's restaurant to pick him up, but before he started driving off, his phone rang.

He checked to see that it was Osamu before answering. "I'm not late yet, alright? I'm on my way!"

"About that.." Osamu began with hesitation.

Atsumu caught on to him quickly. He hadn't lived his entire life knowing him for nothing. "Don't ya even dare tryin to pull this shit on me-"

"It's not like I don't want to go!" Osamu interrupted with irritation before shouting erupted in the background as well as pots clanging loudly. "Look I'm really sorry but the rest of my staff have gotten sick and all I get left is this new kid that keeps messin up. I can't leave to go camping with ya for the weekend. I'm sorry, Tsumu. I was really lookin forward to it, too."

Atsumu sighed as he leaned his forehead against the steering wheel. "It's fine, I get it." He wasn't about to go off on him. He understood that it wasn't his fault or doing it on purpose. They both loved camping when they were children, but hadn't been in so long. Once Atsumu heard about getting several extra days off before the weekend, he immediately booked them a spot at a local camping sight in Osaka. They'd been packing everything for weeks, but now- "Don't worry about it, Samu."

"I promise I'll pay ya back whatever it cost so ya didn't waste yer money-"

"No, it's fine. I'm still going." Atsumu interrupted, firmly. He put his phone on speaker and on the stand before pulling out of the parking lot towards the highway. "I didn't pack all of this stuff and get excited about it for nothin."

"Are ya sure you'll be alright?" Osamu asked with a tinge of worry in his voice. "Not many people will be around and I know there probably won't be service so-"

"I'll be fine. I'm not gonna do anythin risky and if I do get service, I'll make sure to call." Atsumu stated as he turned on his blinker to move over onto the highway.

"Ya better. I'm being serious here."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll talk to ya later if I can. Good luck with the restaurant." After hanging up, Atsumu loosened his shoulders with a small smile. Although he'd been wanting to go with his brother, going alone didn't seem to be too bead either. He loved to hang around and be with others, but lately he hadn't been getting any time off for himself. This was just what he needed, just the woods, the lake, and himself. No one else.

At least that's what he thought until after he arrived. He had just started on setting up his tent until he heard another car driving down the dirt path towards him. There weren't any other people that reserved the sport directly next to him or across and he hoped it would stay that way. However, the car just happened to stop at the one directly on his right. He tried to subtly glance over at the driver as he set up his tent only for the back doors to open up and someone stepped out. It was someone he never thought would step foot in a place like this. That would ever even think about spending his time here. And yet here he was. Sakusa Kiyoomi was carrying a large duffel bag and set it right on the spot next to his camp site.

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